A sweet cottage cheese!



  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    I like the sweet with cinnamon and Splenda, or herbed with onion powder, chives and pepper
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    I love it with halved grapes!
  • fanaledrinks112
    Cottage Cheese Pie
    Ingredients Edit and Save

    Original recipe makes 1 - 9 inch pieChange Servings
    2 cups cottage cheese
    3/4 cup white sugar
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    2 egg yolks
    1 (3 ounce) package egg custard mix
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract3/4 cup milk
    1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
    3 tablespoons butter, melted
    2 egg whites, stiffly beaten
    1 (9 inch) pie shell
    Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
    Blend together the cottage cheese, sugar, salt and egg yolks. Beat in the custard mix, vanilla, milk, lemon and butter or margarine. Fold in the egg whites. Pour the mixture into the pastry shell and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let cool and serve. Fanale Drinks
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Mix some flavoured whey into it.
  • vickijmiller
    vickijmiller Posts: 1 Member
    love it with applesauce!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Wow, some great suggestions. Never thought about raisins or savory. We have to give it a try. Thanks everyone for sharing.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Pineapple is yummy with cottage cheese!

    Non sweet favorites of mine are dry roasted edamame or diced cucumbers and dill.
  • getrealgirl
    getrealgirl Posts: 201 Member
    Love all of these ideas! I am absolutely addicted to cottage cheese with fresh blueberries. I fantasize about it when I am running!
    Will have to try some of these ideas now that blueberries are going out of season.
  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    I always found the idea of cottage cheese and fruit weird- I hate it with pineapple in like it's sold in the supermarkets here but I finally decided to try it with apple and cinnamon and it was amazing! So I love it with a chopped apple and a fairly decent amount of cinnamon- doesn't need any sweetener. Definitely worth trying! It works so well.

    I'm just now trying to decide which one of these ideas to give a go as a snack! Great thread.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Drizzle of honey.
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    Good Luck trying to enjoy a sweet addition to cottage cheese, i put chunky coarse red pepper, freshly ground black pepper, hot sauce....never anything sweet. I love CC savory.
    This is true for many foods that i enjoy, savory with a kick or not at all!
  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    OMG can I just say I just tried to cottage cheese with cocoa and sweetener- utterly amazing and so so delicious!

    Used a couple of tablespoons fat free cottage cheese with a tsp green and blacks cocoa powder and a tsp of sweetner- probably could use a bit less sweetener but so so so yummy!
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I like peaches!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    OMG can I just say I just tried to cottage cheese with cocoa and sweetener- utterly amazing and so so delicious!

    Used a couple of tablespoons fat free cottage cheese with a tsp green and blacks cocoa powder and a tsp of sweetner- probably could use a bit less sweetener but so so so yummy!

    YAY! I'm glad you liked it! It really is one of my favorite afternoon snacks!
  • cajmanthei
    cajmanthei Posts: 51 Member
    bump - so many good ideas
  • bethphelpsfit
    bethphelpsfit Posts: 15 Member
    This is not the healthiest of versions but I LOVE it!!

    1/2 Cup Lowfat Cottage Cheese
    4 Tablespoons Lowfat Whip Cream
    1/2 a Packet any Flavor Sugar Free Jello

    Mix everything together and refrigerate for a little while! It's sooooo sweet and yummy!! Such a good dessert and it usually makes two servings for me because it's so sweet!! Enjoy!
  • chopsart
    chopsart Posts: 123 Member
    bump for more wonderful suggestions.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member


    But not at the same time
  • altaroxy
    altaroxy Posts: 56 Member
    Bump for later. Thanks for the great ideas.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    It's not sweet, but cucumbers and radishes are really good with cottage cheese, so is black pepper.
    Cherry tomatoes and cucumbers and jalapenos together are even better!
    Try different fruits with a little bit of honey.

    One really good one is adding mango chunks, some coconut butter (or milk), and a can of Del Monte Tropical Fruit in juice (drain the juice off). OMG!

    Or, how about some dried dill, then dip crudites.

    You can add some Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix as well, and dip crudites.

    Or, you can add apple chunks, raisins, cinnamon, honey (or other sweetener), and pecans!

    The opportunities are endless!