I just dont get it...



  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    How's your sodium intake? When I over-eat on my sodium I 'gain' water weight that can stay with me for up to a week.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I always found that when I was exercising like a demon that the next day I'd have a gain. I attribute it to muscle repair and water retention. On the days I didn't exercise if I weighed the next day I'd see a big loss.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would say your estimated TDEE is definitely off. I'm around the same height and weight as you and was stuck on a plateau for months until I got my BMR tested at a local medical center. Turns out my TDEE is only 2200 (accounting for the 3 days of pretty intense exercise I do) so I had no deficit at all. Now I eat about 1600-1800 and can lose pretty consistently on that. If you've been dieting a while, your metabolism may have slowed down slower than the normal estimates take into account. I have since lost another 35 lbs after dropping from 2000 cals to 1600 cals (I always end up a little over my daily cals so I shoot a little lower than the actual number).

    and this is exactly why we keep saying- if you aren't losing- you're probably not at a deficit- and if you aren't gaining- you probably are not in surplus.

    No tests needed- it's the most common problem for both ends of the spectrum (gain/loss)
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    I would say your estimated TDEE is definitely off. I'm around the same height and weight as you and was stuck on a plateau for months until I got my BMR tested at a local medical center. Turns out my TDEE is only 2200 (accounting for the 3 days of pretty intense exercise I do) so I had no deficit at all. Now I eat about 1600-1800 and can lose pretty consistently on that. If you've been dieting a while, your metabolism may have slowed down slower than the normal estimates take into account. I have since lost another 35 lbs after dropping from 2000 cals to 1600 cals (I always end up a little over my daily cals so I shoot a little lower than the actual number).

    and this is exactly why we keep saying- if you aren't losing- you're probably not at a deficit- and if you aren't gaining- you probably are not in surplus.

    No tests needed- it's the most common problem for both ends of the spectrum (gain/loss)

    Awesome. There was a lot of good help on here and appreciate it all very much!