Eating Healthy For My Sickness- Wanna be Friends? :)

First of all, hi... I'm Emma, I'm 21 yrs old and I live in IL (not going to say more on that). ;)

I've come and gone from mfp a few times over the last couple years and the times I've been here it was 100% for weight loss and I mainly saw it as a restricting, harsh diet, not a pleasant lifestyle change. This time I'm here for my health and I'm not leaving for that reason. I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and over the last few months with GI appts, I've come to the conclusion that I have a lot of food allergies. I get sick daily from almost all the foods I eat. By sick I mean extreme, all-over abdominal cramps/spasms/aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The massive pain attacks result in heavy sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, and weakness. And these happen weekly, if not multiple times a week.

My bf and I eat (or used to eat) a lot of fast food, sweets, salty cheesy chips and all kinds of processed foods as well as drinking mostly soda. It has destroyed my body and I suffer for it. I've had many ER visits from how bad the pain gets but we've realized all they can really do is pain meds. So every time I've had an attack since this realization, I just sit in the bathroom screaming, crying, shaking and basically begging my bf to take me to the ER but he knows it was caused by a food/drink and there's not much the docs can do, though it kills him to see me in so much pain.

The food allergies/sensitivities I've discovered by testing it the hard way:
Gluten Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance
High sensitivity to sugar (including high sugar fruits)
High sensitivity to caffeine
Onions and Garlic make me sick
(OBVIOUSLY) greasy/fatty/salty/processed foods make me very sick
And for some reason eggs make me very sick...

I'm cutting all this out and basically eating a Paleo diet since I'll be eating pretty much only meat, veggies, a little fruit, and some nuts.

So I would love your support and if you could add me as a friend because I like the social part of mfp too. It's great motivation. :)
Suggestions would be great also because finding lactose AND gluten free snacks/meals is hard. I'm no cook and I honestly hate cooking so the easier the recipe, the better. I know I'll enjoy cooking more once it gets easier for me.