:) Looking for NURSING STUDENT pal :)

Hi there!

I'm a female in my 20s from the USA and am looking for a fellow nursing student to be a motivator and pal on MFP! My history: I did MFP last summer and lost 30 pounds-- awesome! However, I've gained 20 pounds back over the past year due to my full-time school schedule becoming more intense as well as working more hours in the hospital-- not awesome. Plus I now have a 1+ hour commute everywhere I go (to clinical/work/school), so I'm struggling to find exercise time.

I'm keeping my spirits up-- if I did it before, I can do it again! This time I want to drop 40 pounds and be done struggling with this weight battle that I've been dealing with for 15+ years.

I would love to have a nursing student fitness pal because who else understands a full time lecture schedule, 12-16 hours of clinical per week, and working on top of that?

Hope to hear from ya soon! :bigsmile:


  • HI!

    I'm not a nursing student but I watched my mom go through nursing school in Clinton County NY and girl it IS HARD!
    Keep your chin up, before you know it you'll be a nurse and looking good and feeling great doing it!

    You can add me if you'd like, I'm super encouraging and am going to college for Applied Exercise Science and Nutrition at the University of New England. I'm looking to lose 100 pounds this year while at school.

    Good luck with nursing! You're a rockstar for even being in the program!!! :D:D:D

  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    No longer a student, but I am a nurse! Does that count?
    I did go through nursing school in my 30's, as a single mother, and with a full time job, so I get where you are coming from! Stresssssss!!!
  • Hi I'm a nursing student! I totally understand the stress of it all! I lost about 30lbs a few summers back but I've gained it all back, plus some. Fortunately I've lost 18lbs since starting back in January but I aim to lose at least 50-75 more by graduation Dec 2015. Lately I've been trying to take all the stairs at the clinical and even during lecture breaks. I also try to take a 30 min walk once or twice a week. Good luck with school! When's your grad date?
  • jamieyuerek
    jamieyuerek Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I am a nurse in graduate school with a 2.5 hr commute for clinicals. Currently between jobs because I just moved with my husband but have applied for several nightshift positions so I could use all the encouragement I can get to get through this semester! Feel free to check out my profile and add me :) Good luck!!!
  • Hello! I'm a nursing student, graduating next May. I'm right there with y'all.
    Starting school last fall, i was a a good weight 135 (I'm 5'6"), then a couple semesters
    Of stress eating and long hours later, up to 162. Talk about the Freshman 15,
    How about the Junior 30? I'm really trying this time to get down to 125-130. I have
    PCOS and my weight fluctuates alot, and my body is sensitive to the extra weight
    and has gotten a bunch of strange weight-related problems.
    Right now I'm doing a p90x-ish program and a high-protein diet my dr. recommended, hopefuly
    I can keep with it!
  • Hi, I've just graduated from nursing school, so know how you feel, loving having a little more free time now I don't have lectures to get to! Feel free to add