Help, I am so confused, BMR daily calories etc

I have a good friend that is really into fitness etc and is training to be a personal trainer. She has some information that she had me use to figure out my BMR and then another formula which I am coping here.... to figure out how much to eat each day.

( okay here is her info)
In order to lose a pound a week you need to have a calorie deficit of 3500. That's a 500/day deficit by either eating 500 less calories, or burning 500 calories through exercise.

Calculate your resting metabolic rate (RMR): your body weight x 10= RMR
Calculate your daily activity burn (DAB): RMR x 20%=DAB
Calculate your daily caloric rate (DCR): DAB + RMR=DCR
Subtract 500 Calories a day: DCR-500=Total calories you should be eating per day to lose 1 lb./week

So here's an example for a 150 lb. person:
150 x 10=1500
1500 x .20=300
1500 + 300=1800
1800 - 500 = 1300 calories a day

My BMR is 1,762 and then my other number is 2380 in regards to calories a day. And she says that in order to loose 1 pound a week I should eat 500 less then 2380.

Now this site calculates that I should only be eating 1480 calories a day.... and that is what I have been trying to stay pretty close to for the past 2 months. sometimes I go over 100 or 200 max but keep it pretty close to the 1480 calories.. So am I not eating enough? I am so confused... I also work out at least 2 times a week cause that is when my classes are and I try to get in another 1 or 2 times a week but usually its just 3 times a week.

Please advise.


  • Jbwilson0708
    im not going to be very helpful but i do know that i have been staying within 100-200 cals that mfp advised me to eat and exercising i have been loosing weight regualrly.. :)
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    Those calcs work out close for me at 1000 cals a day (2 lb/week loss). MFP says to eat 1200 a day, those calcs say 1172. Near enough for me.

    181 lbs

    RMR 1810
    DAB 362
    DCR 2172

    1lb/week loss 1672 cals/day
    2lb/week loss 1172 cals/day
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    What's best for you is whatever works. If you're happy with the amount of food you eat and the weight you're losing, go with it. If not, experiment a little to figure out what's best for your body. No formula is going to work for every single person. We're all different and no one's body or metabolism is the same.