Official Weigh In- After a gym day or After rest day?

mhlew Posts: 377 Member
I wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on weigh in day. My "official" weigh in days are Saturday mornings although I do step on the scale throughout the week just to have a peak, however I take those numbers with a grain of salt as I understand there will be weight fluctuations due to various reasons.

I have found that if I weigh myself the morning after a work out the evening before I will weigh possibly a half pound less but in most cases stay the same weight, or even gain weight. I have also noticed that if I weigh in on Saturday morning and use Friday as a rest day, this is when the weight loss will show on a the scale that I lost 2-3 pounds that week. I think the best weight to record is after a rest day, and I am not saying that to be biased in the advantage of the lesser weight, however I think it is the true weight once your body has had over 24 hours to repair its self. Thoughts?


  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Weigh yourself under the same conditions each week and you will eventually see a trend. I would not worry about trying to optimize for a pound or two.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Don't overthink it. Just pick a day and a time.