
Okay so confused! Please help! Those of you that use the fitbit, please explain to me how to use it right. If you connect it with MFP, and it adds calories due to your activity then should you set you activity level to sedentary and let the fit bit add it back for you.


  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Bump... I thought I was using mine correctly, now I'm not so sure!

    However, I can say, I *typically* don't eat the extra calories Fitbit or MFP says I've burned. I just like it to keep me motivated to keep moving.
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    You log your activities on Myfitness pal and make sure to add the time you did the activity. This will keep the fitbit site from counting your exercise calories towards your other daily calories burned. But the rest of the day will still be factored in.
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Bingo! That's what I thought.
  • asnail
    asnail Posts: 15 Member
    Okay so If I am generally lightly active, I would use that to set my dailiy caloric goals, then manually put in my exercise and the fitbit will adjust my daily activity based on how active I am. Is that right?
  • Dpackard11
    Dpackard11 Posts: 4 Member
    I have my fitbit set to sync with MFP and let it adjust my calories throughout the day. I have my activity level set as sedentary and let the fitbit steps determine how active I am. I do not log any other activities. If I am doing something that the fitbit will not pick up, like biking, I will sometimes put the fitbit in my sock. I don't think the calorie adjustment is quite right, but I think it underestimates rather than over, so that's ok for me. When I weightlift, etc I don't track it separately, what little extra calories that burns is either just bonus or offsets another area where the calories might be overestimated. I'm losing 1-2 lbs per week so this is working for me.
  • Dawne0503
    I found this on another thread - going to try it:

    Connect your accounts:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Disable Fitbit calorie estimation:

    You can log non-step exercise in Fitbit or in MFP. I follow my MFP calorie goal & ignore Fitbit's. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.