Just Jump...Repeat As Needed

Hello All-
I was recommended this app by my GP after a recent Cardiac scare.

At 49 I am not ready to sacrifice any portion of my life to heart disease or failure because of what I thought to be 'a few extra pounds.' At 5' 0" twenty extra pounds turned me from Petite to Portly, and at 50 Lbs over weight I utterly became a Garden Gnome. As I approach 50 I have come to the acceptance and realization that I am not 20-something anymore, can't eat like I am, and there's every reason to adjust my lifestyle accordingly without feeling punished or starved. The fork, like my mirror, became my enemy.

I am so glad I committed to setting up my account and entering my Diet Diary every day. It's amazing to see how every morsel in adds up. While I have lost 11.4 Lbs, I'm hoping MFP will keep me on track in order to realize my ultimate goal towards a healthier life and lifestyle. So far so good.

While I invested in a home gym at Christmas and started a near-daily routine, I just couldn't figure out why 4 months passed and I had only lost 9 Lbs. It amazes me how easily it creeps on and how difficult it comes off. But getting into a routine of tracking my caloric intake proved a shocking result: it's not WHAT we eat as much as HOW MUCH OF IT that counts. Until recently, I focused only on eating an otherwise healthy diet of whole foods thinking a trough of salad couldn't possibly hurt, but even greens loaded with feta and nuts can prove to be mega-calories. Common-sense, right?

With a workout routine and cardio walks in place, I'm focusing my efforts on coming in under my Daily Caloric Intake with frequent healthy meals with the hopes I'll see better results in the weeks ahead, and wish everyone else the same success to a healthier and happier you!
