What am I doing wrong?!

For the past two weeks, I have been diligent in staying on my 1200 calorie diet, excercising every day (35 min on eliptical, and 35 min on stationary bike), and drinking eight 8 oz glasses of water. Scale hasn't budged...getting frustrated...any hints, tips?!


  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Sounds like you hit your plateau, try mixing up your exercise's do something different, more intense maybe. You could also try changing your calorie intake which would work well with mixing up your exercise's. Gently shock your body it is getting used to what you have been doing, almost like it is immune.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try eating your exercise calories as MFP suggests. If you are exercising 1200 calories is not enough.
  • cragmor
    cragmor Posts: 24 Member
    I agree. Take a day and go to 1500 or 1800 calories. Change up your exercises a bit.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I went to this group meeting once with a friend that had lap band surgery, and they had a fitness speaker, who said that if you keep doing the same exercises and keep eating the same foods, after a while (maybe only a few weeks) it gets harder and harder to lose weight. He said that you have to sort of shock your body by switching up your foods and exercise to get past that plateau...

    Haven't really tried that yet, but I am curious to see if it works (I will probably try it when I hit a plateau)...

    Not sure if this is helpful, but just throwing it out there :)
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I agree with everyone. Change up your diet and exercise. Add weights to build muscle. Have you lost inches?
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I've not lost a lot in the past few weeks and I was advised that as my net calories were between 800 -1100 cals then my body was in starvation mode. Try eating at least 1200 especially when you're exercising. I've not weighed in yet to confirm if this works or not - but i'm not feeling as tired or drained as I was feeling.
  • alissaanne
    You sound like you are doing great with the cardio! Now try to add in weights. It doesn't have to be much but a personal trainer I was seeing a while back said that if you are building muscle by doing weight lifting machines you will burn more calories just resting then you would if you weren't doing them. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so therefore the more muscle we gain, the more calories we are burning with our normal day to day activities. I would try that for a month or so and see if you see any difference and if you like what you see stick with it! I think you will see a difference. It works for me :)

    As for how much weight, amount of reps, etc. I would talk to a trainer and have them set you up on a plan. I do just enough weight that it is hard to get the full rep of 12 and I do 2 sets of 12 on each machine. Some people rotate upper body every other day and lower body the other days...I prefer to do all of them in 1 day and rest every other day. It's different for everyone and you will have to figure out what works for you!

    Hope this helps :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    For the past two weeks, I have been diligent in staying on my 1200 calorie diet, excercising every day (35 min on eliptical, and 35 min on stationary bike), and drinking eight 8 oz glasses of water. Scale hasn't budged...getting frustrated...any hints, tips?!

    You just have to experiment with what you have been given. To add, as you approach goal you will have to shake up things to keep the weight moving downward. Stalls happen to all of us and you have to be patient and work yourself thru them. The longest stall I had was 6 weeks. Increasing my exercise worked right away but that was early post-op.

    Work it honey! Hang in there and you this too shall pass.....:-)

    Have a good weekend and shake it up!