up hill battle with 100 extra pounds

hi everyone, I am new to this site and i guess I just needed to share that I have finally gotten to the point that I am ready to change my life and i need to drop about 100 pounds to do it...I know I can but i just need a little help i guess.



  • jessimacar
    Hey! I started this with about 95lbs to lose. I've lost about 15lbs in a month and a half-ish. Add me if you want!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Welcome! There is a fabulous group on here - look on my profile page under Recent Posts or under the motivation section for "Need To Lose 100 Pounds or More? Join This Group" - you'll find lots of people with similar goals who will help you stay motivated and encouraged. I am sending you a friend request right now as well.
  • helengator1
    Welcome!! Great job signing up! :drinker: You can do it!! Start by moving a little more each day, even if it's 5 minutes extra when you get your mail. Start noticing what you eat by tracking it here. Then, you can ease into a healthy eating and exercise program. Stick with MFP site and you will see so many people who know what to do and have succeeded. I use them as my motivation and guidance! Good luck and take care! Feel free to friend request me :) I've got about 65 lbs to go and KNOW I'll get there this time!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I know the feeling... it's a little bit overwhelming... ok, a lot overwhelming. When I first came on here... I didn't set my goal weight to where it should be, but rather where I thought it wouldn't be overwhelming. Just a few days ago I reset it. For me, those little adjustments help me to stay here for the long haul. You can change your goal weight anytime you want. I will be resettting it one more time in the future. But for now, I'm ok with the temporary goal I've set. I wish you lots of luck. The people are really great here.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    One step at a time, one day at a time, one pound at a time. Be patient with yourself. This isn't about denying yourself, depriving yourself or starving yourself. You should respect yourself and honor yourself with good and healthy food. Nourish yourself. Love yourself and love what you eat because it nourishes you.

    I read on here recently that working out is like a 3 legged stool regarding weight training, cardio and flexiblity work. I also thing that you can use the 3 legged stool analogy for weight loss: good nutrition, calorie control and healthy emotions (the mind-game) all come into play as you engage with the process.

    This is a great site with lots of support and information. Congrats on your decision and good luck!!

    Happy Holidays and Happy Eating!
  • irtata43
    irtata43 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I to started with about 90lbs to loose. I have been on here for about 7 wks. and have lost right at 20lb. Great support and tools. Good luck and feel free to add me if you would like.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I am at the same point (where I need to lose 100 pounds)...I have been on this site for almost two weeks now (love it!!), and lost 5 lbs which is a good feeling. I definately think it helps to log every day, and drink plenty of water, (Plus exercise, of course!)

    If you are coming from a situation where you didn't really exercise and ate unhealthy foods-you could start with small goals...maybe walking on a treadmill, etc...incorporating more veggies, etc...I think it helps to start off with small goals, because when you meet those goals you want to keep going, making more goals...

    (not that I am an expert, yet anyways!)

    It is also inspiring to read other peoples success stories and blogs that they post