T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team 12/10/10 to 12/16/10

Welcome team.

A week behind us, a new week in front of us. Some familiar faces and some new ones too!

This week, I would like to challenge each of you to set a goal. This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything. People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. Choose a goal that you want to reach this week. It can be drinking all your water, watching your sodium intake, exercising every day or eating all your veggies. It doesn't matter what the goal is, as long as you are committed to the challenge. Throughout the week, lets look at this 1 goal and see what we are doing. Are you struggling? Why? A goal is something you have to try for, not something that happens easily. Think about what you want to accomplish this week and why, then let us know what you are shooting for. And of course, ask for advice from your fellow teamies if you need it.

The holidays are now upon us. What do you want to accomplish before all the dinner parties start?

This is the new thread for the week. If you would like to weigh in and post your stats, please feel free to do so. Our weigh in days are on Fridays (or whichever day you normally weigh in, would be fine), however, some of us choose to measure our success by other means. You are of course welcome to do that as well. As always, please share what you feel comfortable sharing.

If anyone would like to start, (I weigh in on Saturday in the AM.)
The format is

Your ScreenName ~ SW/ GW/ CW = Total pounds lost

SW= your starting weight
GW= your goal weight
CW= current weight

Please use the quote function when posting your stats and copy the previous weigh-in and add your stats to the end of the list. This way we have a running list and it helps everyone to see everyone's results easier.

Welcome to a new week!!! Let's make it a good one. :0)~


  • kelseyleigh30
    Kaltgelt= SW 296/ GW 180/ CW 246.5= 4.3 lbs lost this week!!!

    Zumba must be working. I think I am becoming addicted!
  • sandili
    Sandili= SW 199/GW 165/ CW 175.3

    I have no idea how many lbs I have lost this week, because I have not weighed myself since November 8th or 9th,
    but it has not been because I have not been eating within my goal or that I have not been exercising, it is just that I did not
    want to stress myself out with my weight before Finals.

    This week I will try to cut down on the bread and the sugar, they are the two things that I have the most problem keeping in check.
    SW 199 lbs
    GW 165 lbs
    CW 175.3 lbs
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Kaltgelt= SW 296/ GW 180/ CW 246.5= 4.3 lbs lost this week!!!
    Sandili= SW 199/GW 165/ CW 175.3
    egam= SW 210/ GW 180/ CW 194 = loss of 2 lbs this week!

    Yay! Although I didn't stick to my goals at all. And this week was really weird. I'm off school right now, studying for finals so high stress and low structure. But I've been sure to stay under my calories everyday and I think that is what is paying off. Or my scale is lying (lets not go there).

    So my goal for this week is too exercise 5 days this week. I'm going to try to get out running again. And doing yoga, hopefully build up some upper body strength.

    Kelsey- FANTASTIC! I'm glad the Zumba is going so well! And how do you like the new gym you joined? Are you still doing the C25K?

    Sandill- Welcome! We are so glad you joined. If you have any questions or just want to get something off your chest, feel free to share! there is no judgement here! Cutting back on bread and sugar are fantastic goals!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kaltgelt= SW 296/ GW 180/ CW 246.5= 4.3 lbs lost this week!!!

    Zumba must be working. I think I am becoming addicted!

    That is fantastic!!! You are doing AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sandili= SW 199/GW 165/ CW 175.3

    I have no idea how many lbs I have lost this week, because I have not weighed myself since November 8th or 9th,
    but it has not been because I have not been eating within my goal or that I have not been exercising, it is just that I did not
    want to stress myself out with my weight before Finals.

    This week I will try to cut down on the bread and the sugar, they are the two things that I have the most problem keeping in check.
    That is definitely okay to not weigh yourself every week. It is actually better to only weigh yourself about once a month instead of every week. You are on the right track and great goals for the week. You can do it!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    egam= SW 210/ GW 180/ CW 194 = loss of 2 lbs this week!

    Yay! Although I didn't stick to my goals at all. And this week was really weird. I'm off school right now, studying for finals so high stress and low structure. But I've been sure to stay under my calories everyday and I think that is what is paying off. Or my scale is lying (lets not go there).

    So my goal for this week is too exercise 5 days this week. I'm going to try to get out running again. And doing yoga, hopefully build up some upper body strength.

    Kelsey- FANTASTIC! I'm glad the Zumba is going so well! And how do you like the new gym you joined? Are you still doing the C25K?

    Sandill- Welcome! We are so glad you joined. If you have any questions or just want to get something off your chest, feel free to share! there is no judgement here! Cutting back on bread and sugar are fantastic goals!

    We all get a little off track sometimes. At least you were eating within your calorie range, Kudos to you. Great goals for the week, I know you can do it. Keep up the AWESOME work!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I did 10 miles Friday and did a pretty good job. At mile 7 my hips started hurting a little, but nothing I couldn't handle. When I was done I started walking and my legs felt like jello. It was a really good run though. This week is a short run week. Tomorrow will be 4 miles and Thursday will be 2 miles, then Sunday will be my Half. I am pretty pumped up about it. Can't wait to see how I do.

    Keep up the great work everyone. Don't hesitate to come in and vent when needed. We are all here for each other and here to push each other, when we don't want to workout . I know what those days are like. We can do this together.

    Here is to an AWESOME week!!! :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    How was everyone's weigh in on Friday??? I hope you are all doing well. I did not weigh in this week. I am concentrating on my half-marathon. I will be running that here shortly.

    I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday afternoon. :bigsmile: