Wii vs. Kinect : Which do you prefer?

jsecret Posts: 606 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Wondering what other people (who have used both) think as far as using the Wii vs the Kinect for the Xbox 360?

I have found that with the Wii I don't feel any "burn" the next day even after fairly hard/long workouts whereas the Kinect leaves me sore for a couple days when just playing the simple games. What have your experiences been with these two?


  • I prefer my Wii, I will not buy another Xbox ever. I bought an Xbox 360 and after 2 months it had the ring of death and the company would not fix it even though it was under warranty and this was not awhile ago either it was only 2 months ago so it is not like it was a first edition Xbox 360. I will stick with my nintendo and PS3 brands just like I stick with my Apple computers.
  • I prefer Kinect! I've never been a Wii person, I find their "sport" games don't take very much physical activity and the graphics are bad (ok, personal peeve there). But I love playing Kinect Adventures - that Reflex Ridge *really* gives me a workout! - and Dance Central. I'm looking into getting Your Shape Fitness after hearing some good reviews. I think the only negative is that their newly released Zumba game got very poor reviews due to calibration, while I've heard the Wii has a fairly decent Zumba game. Nonetheless, I pick Kinect for a full body experience every time!

    Full Disclosure: I've never tried Wii Fit or any of the other "active" games for Wii, I've mostly been exposed to Wii Sports and Mario games.
  • nldsmiley
    nldsmiley Posts: 38 Member

    I got the Kinect a few weeks ago and I love it. The fact that there are no remotes are a huge plus. I got the one work out game plus I am looking at getting the Zumba for the Kinnect soon. So far, I have been exercising on the Kinect and feel more of a work out plus the experience too me is better.

  • nldsmiley
    nldsmiley Posts: 38 Member
    I'll have to look into the Zumba for the xbox and read more reviews. I have the Wii too see either way, I want to get it.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    We have both and I prefer the Kinect. The Wii Fit is fun but I don't feel challenged.
    You can fake it with the board but not with the Kinect's sensors (example:Wii hula hoop- it only sense your weight shifting on the board. Kinect loop a hoop- you can actually SEE your hips moving on the screen).
    Your Shape, Fitness Evolved is a ton of fun and has several times kicked my butt (highly recommend!!). I've heard the Zumba game was a problem for Kinect but I don't Zumba so I can't advise either way.

    tmaksparkie- Did you buy the system new? We have 3 xboxes and have had to send two of them in for work under warranty (one for the red ring of death) and never had any issues. Sorry to hear you had a crappy experiece!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    My Xbox is out for repair...well...its on its way back to me, got the dreaded red ring of death...or is it red eye of death now? I have the Xbox 360 slim with kinect.....anyway....
    I do love the kinect...no controls to hold onto is a big plus. I am getting the EA sports active 2 for Xmas...so I am excited to try that out! Has anyone else used that yet?
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I'm really excited about getting the "your shape fitness evolved" for the kinect. Our Wii is hacked so I just download any games I want for that which is nice because I don't use it as much and that way am not wasting money on games. :)

    Has anyone used much of the "fitness evolved" or "biggest loser"?
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
  • I'll have to look into the Zumba for the xbox and read more reviews. I have the Wii too see either way, I want to get it.

    From what I've heard (Amazon.com reviews) it's poorly calibrated, things like - when you spin around it'll sign you out because it can't see your face. But there may be a patch soon which *hopefully* will solve these problems. If I hear it's improved, I'll be first in line to buy it!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    How do I hack a wii? or how to most people? lol.

    Most people either look it up online or find someone local to do it at cost... I just ask my husband nicely ;)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I prefer the Wii because it's a lot of fun, and well, reliable. I too have had to throw out more than 1 XBOX because they break down VERY easily and their customer service sucks so bad that they won't fix it without the price of repair being about the same as the price of a new system.

    I think the Kinect is great, but until they create a system that won't die on me, I refuse to waste my money.
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