New to MFP

I am so excited to commit to regaining a healthy lifestyle and loose the unwanted 47 lbs that I have gained over the last 2 years.
About 7 years ago I had lost 62 lbs. I was only about 10 lbs away from my goal weight. I decided I was good...and just kind of let things go since about 3 years ago. I lost my job, lost my best friend in a tragic death and then let life take over. I can not fit in any of my clothes. I am done with the negative thoughts of seeing myself and saying to myself everyday I am "fat". Our youngest son will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah March 19th 2011. I have many things to be thankful for, however finances are very tough right now and its putting stress on our marriage. So this is the best place to start. When I exercise and fuel my body correctly my mental dispostion is so much better too! So, here's to starting fresh now...not after the holidays!

I look forward to reading your posts to help with my motivation! I am going to need it!


  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, I think I could use your positive outlook!
  • pinkybutterflybaby
    Hi I am also new to MFP :) I just joined like an hour ago. You will love it here, i have already fell in love with this place and the wonderful supporters here! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • JulieBoBoo
    Welcome aboard :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!

    It is difficult to think of yourself sometimes. I've found that when things are going badly, that is when I should pay more attention to my health: easier said than done.

    I'm sorry about your friend's death. It's understandable that you would be sad, depressed, unable to cope. I'm so glad you have found your way back!

    Good luck to you. Bathing suit by June!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome!!! You will love it! Feel free to friend me if you want! I am relatively new to this lifestyle change journey, so I understand it will be hard! But-we will all do it!!! And-feel better when we learn the right way to eat and live!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    It is a wonderful family here, everyone is so supportive and encouraging. The tools as well are awesome. Welcome and good luck with your journey!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a terrific place to get motivation (and sometimes a swift kick in the behind if needed). I love your attitude towards your new goal. Add me as a friend if you want and we will motivate each other.
  • molina76853
  • lstrachan
    lstrachan Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome!!! The best things I have realize you are NOT in this by yourself & you have an entire support team - only a click away :smile:
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome aboard. Happy to know you :)
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Welcome!! :flowerforyou: You will find as much support here as you desire. A little or a lot, it's up to you. You've had a rough go of it, so congrats on deciding to do something positive and healthy for yourself. Good luck on your journey!!:happy: