Gained 2lbs after continuous loss and feeling demotivated



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It happens. My weigh in on here is Wednesdays but I weigh every day. For the week ending last Wednesday I had lost close to three pounds, which was incredible. By Monday had gained it all back thanks to TOM and having Chinese food Sunday night. Just keep doing what you are and it'll come back off!
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Weigh loss is not linear. There are ups and downs and the fact that this is the first time you haven't lost in 5 months is amazing. Don't let one week break your stride, accept that this is a journey and not a stop-gap and that life is never going to go exactly the way you want all the time. Carry on, my friend, carry on, and accept mistakes as learning experiences and note that for sometimes, you may want to still do some of the same things you did in the past (and as long as they aren't regularly done, it's okay).

    THIS!! Losing weight and getting healthy is for the rest of your life! You have to learn how to go to a party and enjoy yourself once in a while and then get right back on program. Your weight gain didn't happen in one day and losing it isn't going to happen that way either. Weight loss or gain is a PATTERN over a LONG time and your weight graph will likely look like a roller coaster given enough time. The key is if it is trending up or trending down!

    Just get back on the horse and keep going.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Know how ya feel, I just had to log a 3 lb gain. I had a bad couple of weeks. I am back on track now, and you can be too! Don't let it get to ya. You can do this!
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    I had a 4 pounds gained after not strictly followed my diet. For me 1 pound loss per week so I felt terrible for a couple of days but I'm back now because I still have time and this is not the end. Nothing would change if I stop now, I know I will regret it even more and feel even more terrible than now. I decided to work even harder to makeup for it. The past cannot be change but the presence changes the future right? :) You Can Do It!!!