Hi my name is Nancy for the past the past 8 years i've had Polycycstic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and it has just been such an emotional roller coaster for me... i have been struggle to lose weight and keep it off for the longest while and nothing helps i always gain it back no matter how much dieting or how much exercise i do, is there anyone on here that have pcos? do you have any tips on what i could do to lose weight and be healthy?


  • I also have PCOS. Its more than just watching calories and exercise but more of what you eat. A lot of people (not all) who have PCOS also are insulin resistance. Try reducing carbs (which break down into sugar) and sugars and eating more vegetables and fruits. It will be easier for your body to handle. Also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn! I hope this helps :) I understand the emotional roller coaster, I am the same way!!
  • mkuckenbaker
    mkuckenbaker Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your frustration. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after TTC with my husband. It was comforting to know that there was a sort of "method to the madness" I was going through but it means a life long struggle. On top of this, I have an underactive thyroid that I was diagnosed with at age 16. I take meds for this and it has helped. My weight has always been like a yoyo but I am not too over weight. However, I have gained 27 pounds in 3 years, I am about 15 over weight. Some due to what my diet consisted of but over the last couple years I feel I have been pretty aware of my eating habits. I was informed by the doc yesterday that women with PCOS will struggle with this due to the testosterone level being too high. At least in my case. I was put on Metaformin (spelling?) and man this med makes my tummy feel so sick. I am hoping to drop the weight I put on over that last 3 years. They say low carb but that is so hard. This might now help but at least your not alone. :smile:
  • Jenni_MFP
    Jenni_MFP Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Nancy! I'm right there with you... put on quite a bit of weight because of it over the last few years and it's a huge struggle to get rid of it. I find that even after months of effort and I do manage to lose some, it tends to come back very quickly. It's very frustrating! I'm finding that eating several small meals a day rather than 3 bigger meals is helping. Also cutting out almost all refined sugar. I say 'almost all' because I find it too hard to cut out all of it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or send me a message anytime you need to talk.