Is Vegas a Family Vacation Destination?



  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    My kids loved collecting all the hooker collectible cards the jerks on the drag were handing out to everyone. The aggressive costumed "characters" and panhandlers only furthered the charm.
  • I'm not bringing my kids there until they are old enough to drink and gamble with me. It's not that you can't have a fun family vacation there, but why would someone chose to when there are much better family friendly places to go. Drinking, gambling, and debauchery are best kept at a good distance from impressionable minds.
  • Lilla35
    Lilla35 Posts: 99
    Ha! This made me think of the movie "don't think unnatural thoughts about your cousin Rus"
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    no Vegas is not for kids, lots of people pushing hookers, and panhandling, very aggressive people dressed like batman etc that don't take no for an answer...they have nothing to do but circus circus....and circus circus sucks
  • alaynavee
    alaynavee Posts: 148 Member
    I will also agree with the chorus, Vegas is not great for children. I can't even imagine how parents with strollers navigate all those stairs!
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Ha! This made me think of the movie "don't think unnatural thoughts about your cousin Rus"

    Nothing better than Quoting Chevy Chase and Vacation movies!!!!!

    "Put in a dollar won a car, put in a dollar won a car!"""
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    My husband stayed one night in Vegas on his way to Arizona to pick up our Savannah. He told me about busses that would drive up and down the strip advertising prostitution, people handing out pamphlets and papers for "girls" and the streets littered with these advertisements. I would agree...Vegas is NOT an appropriate place for children.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Would NOT take my kids to Vegas. In order to enjoy anything "Vegas" has to offer, you'd have to be of age, I think.
    I went for the first time and the highlight of my trip was seeing "Thunder from down under"
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I loooove Vegas, but can't stand seeing kids on the strip. I'd like to swear and drink as I please without an annoyed parent giving me dirty looks, thank you very much.

    I was there in May and we went down to Stratosphere to go on the rides. Decided to check out Circus Circus on the way back - big mistake. Such a dive, and kids EVERYWHERE. I literally tripped over a small child in a darker area whose mother was not paying attention. Nope. Don't need to go back to that creepy place ever again.

    Vegas is an ADULT playground. Take the kiddies elsewhere.
  • Lilla35
    Lilla35 Posts: 99
    Ha! This made me think of the movie "don't think unnatural thoughts about your cousin Rus"

    Nothing better than Quoting Chevy Chase and Vacation movies!!!!!

    "Put in a dollar won a car, put in a dollar won a car!"""

    HAHA!! "Where the hell is the Damn Dam tour?"
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Ha! This made me think of the movie "don't think unnatural thoughts about your cousin Rus"

    Nothing better than Quoting Chevy Chase and Vacation movies!!!!!

    "Put in a dollar won a car, put in a dollar won a car!"""

    HAHA!! "Where the hell is the Damn Dam tour?"

    Best one!!!

    Clark Griswold: Eddie, has anyone ever told you you're bad luck?

    Cousin Eddie: Those were my mother's dying words. But I guess if your body's covered in third degree burns, and your foot's caught in a bear trap, you tend to start talkin' crazy.
  • Lilla35
    Lilla35 Posts: 99
    Ha! This made me think of the movie "don't think unnatural thoughts about your cousin Rus"

    Nothing better than Quoting Chevy Chase and Vacation movies!!!!!

    "Put in a dollar won a car, put in a dollar won a car!"""

    HAHA!! "Where the hell is the Damn Dam tour?"

    Best one!!!

    Clark Griswold: Eddie, has anyone ever told you you're bad luck?

    Cousin Eddie: Those were my mother's dying words. But I guess if your body's covered in third degree burns, and your foot's caught in a bear trap, you tend to start talkin' crazy.

    LMAO!! I LOVE Cousin Eddie!!
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    LMAO!! I LOVE Cousin Eddie!!

    How can you not! Who doesn't dream of throwing raw chicken on a rock to watch it cook! Or put the rattlesnakes out for the kids to play with!:laugh: :happy:
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Vegas no, not for kids... Reno is more set up for families with the Circus Circus but still not somewhere I'd plan for the family vacation.
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    I myself would never go there, let alone take my child. then people act shocked at what happens when they grow up and are uncontrollable and into horrid things. garbage in, garbage out.
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    My parents took my sisters and I to Vegas last year... but we were 34, 27 and 21. My parents have gone every year for the past 10-12 years and we always begged them to take us with. I am happy they didn't and knew better as responsible parents.
    I agree with whoever said parents who take their young kids to Vegas are selfish. I've gone twice in the last year and was astonished at the amount of families (and strollers. oh dear lord, the strollers) who thought THE CITY OF SIN sounded like a great family vaca. Are you on drugs?!?!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    What's up with all the families taking their kids on vacation in Vegas?

    Just got back. There were so many Families with their kids there. Stayed at the Monte Carlo. Couldn't believe how many kids were there.

    It's not a place for children. They can't go out in the Casino's or see many of the shows, so do they get stuck in the room at night?

    It's very expensive. Aren't there some better family-friendly destinations?

    Remember "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas"?

    Kick the kids out of the Casino Hotels. Adults Only !!!

    Friends of mine are professional poker players and having their children there over the Summer Holidays, isn't so much a holiday destination location, moreso a chance for the children and their mother to spend some family time with their father/husband.

    Following the rolling internet poker bans, many of the poker players are having to tour more, outside the USA. To re-coup their losses, some sign contracts with Bellagio [in my friends cases], to make the monies they may have lost back, by playing for the house ~ they keep a small percentage over the course of the contract and are housed at the hotels, with food + beverage comp'd.

    The children aren't necessarily at the hotels where their fathers primarily reside ~ usually, a home is rented over the holidays with a nanny [or grandparent(s) and friends in tow. Day trips are planned to the casinos to 'visit' their fathers, which is likely the story for some you may have encountered there. Many are young parents. They're trying to make it all work.

    For some of my friends, they'd met their wives whilst playing. Their wives were the card dealers, dancers, cocktail waitresses, party planners and pool side hostesses. This life carries through to their homes and more often than not, the children aren't unfamiliar with the states of undress to a regular child ~ micro bikinis, at home parties, the Vegas style ritzy decor are a norm. Vegas is their life and their family source of income ~ they're taught at a young age. It is his job. AND still, they do have cosy, wholesome family lives. Great friends and loving parents, who even spoil and respect their own parents with reverence [not too common amongst the younger generation]. Their ability to balance 'that kind of fast life' is a learning curve for me. They're socially conditioned yet familial, who are able to work the conservative in a fast paced wild'ish environment.
  • Maddogpilot
    Maddogpilot Posts: 14 Member
    I guess after 3 generations of family and fifty+ years of living in Las Vegas the stereo typical impressions never leave... as kids, we used to tell the tourists we get bussed to California because there are no schools here. :)

    The Strip.. yeah, maybe not a good idea for kids (don't bother with it myself and never brought my kids there) just as I would never bring my kids to any number of places in any number of cities in the country.

    There are good/bad areas in every city I've been (I travel for a living). I can find whatever is in Las Vegas in any town in this country. Gambling? where is it not legal? Strip Clubs? give me a break...everywhere in this country.

    The real question is what are looking to do when you are here? If your hanging out on the Strip or Downtown that is a different expectation than if you are in town for a Triathlon (coming this October! can't wait).

    Plenty of family things to do, if you bother to look.


    PS winters are great! and I can snow ski just 30 minutes from here.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm sure the LDS founders would disagree
  • mrsbunbunbun
    mrsbunbunbun Posts: 49 Member
    We moved out to Vegas to stay with my fiancé's mother and stepdad. I remember when he first told me his mom lived in Vegas, my immediate reaction was - "What does she DO?" Lol For the record, she's a quilter. There are obviously lots of nice, normal families that live here, and most of them avoid the Strip because why? Closest I ever go is Fashion Show Mall. So when the grandkids come to visit, they are not here on a "Vegas Vacation," they come to visit grandma, and we get to take them to Mt. Charleston, Red Rock, Joe's Crab Shack patio/playground, swimming at the pool, playing with fireworks etc. Good times with Uncle Awesome and Auntie.

    That said - It is impossible to fly into town and Not see gigantic gross billboards, or have a kid asking, "What's the Love Store"? or - I'm sure seeing all kinds of new vocabulary on the taxicabs and wondering what it means that, "Sluts are people, too." I am actually quite relieved that out situation has changed and we don't have to keep thinking about realistically starting and raising a family out here, because most of the country is just not like that. I mean, a billboard for waxing that's just a close-up row of bikini-bottoms is just unnecessary, and it's pretty much impossible for a kid not to notice that stuff coming to and from the airport, even if you stay at Red Rock.:/