RideLondon - Surrey 100

I've just entered the ballot to do this and am bricking myself! I can do about 20 miles at the moment mostly off road in around 3hrs which is nowhere near what I'll need to do to achieve the 100 mile goal. Saying that I only jumped back on the bike about a month or so ago.

Has anyone else entered the ballot?

Would like to hear from anyone that has prepared for a long distance cycle who doesn't have too much cycling experience and what you done to prepare.


  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    August 2nd 2015? 100 mile ride? Currently, you're only doing 20? No problem.

    I have only recently started training again, but I was a very keen cyclist a few years ago and have toured all over the UK. There's training plans online if you want them, but if you're not training for speed they aren't so important. Just up your distance so you're riding five times a week, with at least one long ride on your day off.

    Once you can ride for about five hours comfortably, you'll be alright with 100 miles. Beyond that point it's really just making sure you eat the right food and drink enough water. Make sure you sleep properly too, and don't ride when you're ill.

    You don't say, but I assume you are riding a mountain bike. This is fine for getting in the miles until spring, but you'll hate it on a 100 mile ride. A good road bike is like a pair of wings for your feet.

    Go into a proper bike shop and tell them what you're doing. If they look at you funny, go in another shop. Or join a cycling club and see if anyone has a bike they're willing to sell to you.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    <<< See profile pic ;)

    I didn't have much cycling experience other than fun stuff with the family. I completed the course (in biblical conditions) with plenty in the tank on 3 months consistent training.

    It was pretty simple: 2 short rides at a highish effort (sometimes I didn't even manage that to be completely honest) with one long ride at the weekends where I increased the distance by about 5 miles per week until I could cycle 80 miles.

    You'll be fine if you can cycle 20 miles in one go now.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I agree. Varying ride lengths is important as well as working in rest days. Too often people believe they must ride every day, it is just not the case. Don't forget other training to build your strength as well. A strong core and upper body will help you ride more relaxed. Good luck and have fun training!
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Pssst, Cokefloat! If you don't get a place, do you want to join me on the Dunwich Dynamo? 124 miles, and not so racy. It goes overnight, you finish at 7am by running into the sea.

    It's next July.
  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone. Well, it's so far been my other half's bike which I came off a couple of weeks ago. Now waiting to get one on pay day that actually fits me!

    Will look at the road bikes and start saving for spring.

    The Dunwich Dynamo sounds interesting. May consider it as my mum only lives down the coast so can get her to pick me up after!!!

    Well done MSF74! The conditions this year were awful. Hopefully it won't be like that next year!

    Have any of you entered for 2015?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Have any of you entered for 2015?


    Even though it was more like a triathlon (I am sure I was swimming at one point..) it was an amazing day with a great sense of camaraderie with other riders.

    I have also pre registered for the Velothon Wales as well.

    If you get into cycling pop into Cycle Chat:

  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks and will do. I'm going to blog progress once I get the bike so keep your eyes peeled!

    Bit weird doing something like this for me. Have always seen two wheels (both pedal and motor) as a tool to have a bit of fun.