Setting Goals

Is there some sort of formula? Why do they say goals should be specific? What do you do to turn things around when you don't meet those goal? Just getting started again and want to see success this time!


  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Well, what are your personal goals? What do you hope to achieve? Are you interested in jogging/running? Gaining/building muscle? Getting stronger? If running is a desire, then you could set a goal that "In 3 weeks time I'm going to run/jog consecutively for 15 minutes". Then you reach that and you set a new goal. Or, it could be getting into a pair of jeans that's 2 sizes too small. I try not to make dated deadlines (i.e. setting a specific date for fitting into those jeans) because then if I don't get there by that time, I feel all my work has been for nothing.

    Start small and work your way up to a larger goal. This is a personal journey so set goals specific to you and what you wish to achieve. There is no time limit. If you mess up one day it's not the end of the world. I had to learn this through 3 attempts at this site and finally I get it. If I go over by 1500 calories I start over the next day. If I don't make my 1.5 mile time like I had hoped, I just continue until I get there. If I get in a slump I have to push myself to get back on track. Yesterday for instance was my first day back at the gym in over a week (I was sick all last week). I really didn't want to go but in the back of my mind I knew that if I didn't I would regret it. So I went. And it felt great. You just have to want it bad enough to continue even when you don't feel like it.

    Feel free to add me! I'm on here daily, usually paying more attention to MFP then my work :wink:

    ETA: fixed typo
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I agree with the above. I found that my goals have to be physical (everyone is different). My goal was to compete in my first powerlifting meet. August 2nd I placed 1st in my weight class and was so proud of myself. On the other hand I dropped an extra 10 lbs. while doing it and not even focusing on it. I have found for me weight goals are not for me. Now my goal is to still compete but add weight on to my lifts. I love the feeling of lifting heavy weight!
  • dieter67
    dieter67 Posts: 57
    So it sounds like the number should be specific but not the time period. For August, I challenged myself to lose 6 1/2# which was based on a 4# gain I had from vacation the previous month and with the other 2 1/2# off meant I was at my lowest weight this year. I'm 1/2# away from that goal with one weigh in left and I guess I'm thinking too much about missing the goal and its effects. I guess just because a goal isn't met, it's not the end of the world ... or will it get into my head that it is the end????
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Because weight loss isn't linear and there are fluctuations for a variety of reasons, I don't like setting weight loss goals, at least not short term ones. I mean, obviously I want to get down to 150 but if it takes me 2 more years, so be it.

    I've found it's easier to set more tangible goals regarding things you can actually have control over, which is why I like setting fitness goals or nutrition goals. Examples: "I will eat 2 fruits and 3 veggies per day" or "I will drink at least 8 cups of water per day" or "I will do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 times per week". And the bonus is, with healthier eating and exercise, weight loss may come easier.

    I believe you need to chane your thinking to be more positive. Instead of obsessing over 1/2 pound, realize you've lost SIX pounds in less than a month! That's pretty friggin fantastic!!

    So what if you don't lose the 1/2 pound. Does that really negate all the hard work you've put in? Should you quit because you don't lose a measly 1/2 pound? No, obviously not.
  • dieter67
    dieter67 Posts: 57
    I AM pretty happy with what I've done so far this month. So a missed goal doesn't mean failure, it just means you needed a little more time. I just read about "Outcome" vs "Process" goals which are totally different. Gotta start small and work your way up.