It's never too late

I joined a week ago on the recommendation of my dietician, and I'm really glad I did. I am 62, post-menopausal, need to lose 50+ lbs., and admit to being addicted to sugar and carbs. I suppose I have been in denial about that last part but no more. I never had a weight problem (even after two children) until I hit menopause and got divorced. Having a desk job and a vigorous appetite (and not keen on spending loads of time at the gym or exercising in general), I gradually started packing on the pounds, which led to my doctor prescribing the usual group of medications for BP, cholesterol, blood sugar control. Consulting my dietician and tracking my food and exercise on MFP has been a truly eye-opening experience. It is a struggle on a daily basis to detox my body from all the sugar with which I'm bombarded it over the years, but I can honestly say after only one week I can feel the difference. I haven't recorded any weight loss yet, but my body FEELS better. My joints don't hurt, my digestion is better, I don't have headaches or as much heartburn. I think I might be on to something here! I know I have to increase my exercise, in addition to eating less (and healthier) in order to lose weight, but I'm taking it all one day at a time. Old habits are hard to break! But I'm confident and hopeful. Feel free to add me as a friend or reach out to chat about your struggles or successes. My adult children are very supportive, as is my boyfriend, even though he is currently serving in the Army overseas. Not having him here with me is difficult, but we're strong. So, if you're new here also, hang in there, take one day at a time. As much of a nuisance as I thought it was in the beginning to have to take time to record everything, it is becoming easier and what I'm learning and the good habits I'm establishing are so valuable to me. It also helps knowing that if I eat it or drink it I have to record it and report it to my dietician! That keeps me honest. It's never too late to get healthier! Good luck to everyone!


  • Strongandscrappy
    Strongandscrappy Posts: 1,735 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on starting a new healthier life! I've been on here awhile but just got serious a few months ago. Send me a friend request if you'd like. We are in this together!