Slim Fast 321 Plan

Started on this plan about 2 weeks ago. So far this has been working for me. Have a shake in the morning, snack mid morning, slimfast bar for lunch and afternoon snack. Followed by 500 calorie meal like skinless chicken and yams/mixed salads, or veggie omelettes and have been switching to eggwhites instead which are also delicious. Drink lots of water! I have lost 8 lbs so far! and am very happy. I find the system easy to do and once i do go off it finally, i am learning what exact portions and calories to have in order to maintain my goal weight....simple! or can continue to replace 1 meal with their shakes or bars which i don't mind since lunch i am usually have it on the run.

I try to incorporate 30 mins of cardo and 15 mins weight training every other day. This is the missing piece i was avoiding before due to stress and depression in my life. Recently i went on anti-depressants and has helped motivate me to not focus on food so much which i was using as a drug to emotional eat and drown my sorrows!

Highly recommend if you don't like measuring and don't have a lot of time to prepare foods.


  • kelzz27
    kelzz27 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm also on the slimfast plan for the last 11 weeks and have lost 22 pounds which I'm so happy with. There's mix view on this diet but I love it cos I can't eat at 6am, as its too early for me and my lunch has to be a quick 2 mins at work so it fits in with my lifestyle

    I done this diet a couple of years ago and done well but never stuck to it. But this time I'm 100% determined :-)

    Well done on your weight loss
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    While I respect both of your choices to use Slim Fast, the reason you are losing weight is because of the calorie deficit and not the product itself. There is no magic in Slim Fast and you can lose weight on moderation of real foods.

    By the way, did you know if you eat and drink Slim Fast beyond your total daily energy expenditure you will gain weight?
  • awoodard2012
    I have been on Slim Fast for two weeks and have only lost maybe a 1/2 lb.. Two shakes during the day and 500 cal meal at night, plus work out every other day.

    I am frustrated because it seemed like the weight was peeling off on the first few days (water weight?). Now I have actually gained those couple pounds back.

    Maybe I need more patience. I'm trying to drop some pounds by Christmas and don't want any time wasted.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    While I respect both of your choices to use Slim Fast, the reason you are losing weight is because of the calorie deficit and not the product itself. There is no magic in Slim Fast and you can lose weight on moderation of real foods.

    By the way, did you know if you eat and drink Slim Fast beyond your total daily energy expenditure you will gain weight?

    Yes, this. Slimfast is not magical, calorie deficit is what is making you lose weight. Make sure you do know how to calculate and track other foods though, because you won't be paying for slim fast for the rest of your life. Best of luck.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Glad it's working for you so far.

    But make sure you have a plan for how to monitor your food intake once you stop following Slim Fast (assuming you are not intending to do so for the rest of your life). Where meal replacement plans fail for most people is that once they restart eating 'normal' food they end up eating the way they did pre-Slim Fast and thus regain the weight.
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    I use Slim Fast as a meal replacement. I don't follow the Slim Fast plan. I make my own recipe (4 oz of 2% milk, 2.5 scoops of powder - any of their chocolates, ice, and top off a 32oz shaker with water. I love the taste, and how full it makes me feel. It is not magic. Just a tool that gives me a manageable number of calories, makes me feel full for a long time, and taste good to me.
  • Lisabites
    Hi all, just started on slim fast 123 yesterday, just to kick start weigh loss and getting use to eatting less. Hope to be able to stick to a lower calorie diet without slim fast and use health eatting. I've given myself one week of doing slim fast and slowly replace each snak and then meal replacement whit proper food.
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    I have lost 20lbs on the Slimfast plan, though I also calorie count and adjust my evening meal to fit in with my calorie allowance depending on how much exercise I have done each day. When I reach my goal weight I am planning to gradually come off the shakes over a period of weeks. To be fair though, I will probably keep some sort of shake for breakfast because I am terrible at making sure I eat in the morning. I am also using the freedom of choosing my own evening meal and snacks to learn better eating habits in small steps rather than going the whole hog all at once. I do find that it's a good meal plan to follow. :happy:
  • redgsdmom
    redgsdmom Posts: 4 Member
    I think its better to limit your dinner to about 30% of your total calories when you are trying to lose weight. So eat 70% of your calories before dinner should be consumed.