Somehow, I'm 15lbs heavier than my highest weight.

All was well. I lost a lot of weight back in 2007. I was at my thinnest, but not as healthy. I move to a new city in 2008. Over several *years*, I gain 40lbs. I catch myself, I get to my 'median' weight of 140-150. Not ideal, but healthy.

January of this year. After a few months of being in a serious, live-in relationship, the numbers go up. Just 10lbs at first, then 20, 30... and somehow I'm now at 200lbs. A whopping 50lbs heavier in just 8 months, and actually been around here for at least 2 months.

My heighest weight was 185lbs many years ago and I swore I'd never get that high again. But, here I am. It's also a wake up call of sorts because some of the weight is from drinking alcohol and a good amount, from eating out. He's also heavier, so we both kind of fed into eachother's bad habits.

So, here I am. Feeling like I'm ready to be back again, as I know how easy it is to have it add up when I'm not paying attention.

Thanks for reading and best of luck to you all.


  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I can completely relate. Today is my wake-up call also. I'm 10 lbs heavier than my highest weight on here, but I just updated it about 6 months ago!

    Feel free to add me, we can keep each other motivated :)
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    Sounds good! :)