Hit a rut- slim fast shakes for breakfast?



  • CStowell1654
    CStowell1654 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not referring to the bottle shakes, it's the build up powders I was looking at.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I'm not referring to the bottle shakes, it's the build up powders I was looking at.

    My bad... lol



    The problem with using liquid as your food source is your brain doesn't register it as food, so despite near 300 calories, in a half an hour to hour you'll be hungry again and still looking for actual food. Have the shakes if you want, a lot of people use them as a post workout snack because of the protein and nutrients, but as a meal replacement, personally I'd take food over liquid everytime. Far more satisfying. If you're going to go with a shake concept however, there are far better products out there than the Slim Fast brand, research those. Slim Fast is virtually useless in the way of protein.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Why slim fast? Thoze haz caloriez.. Try a sugar free monster 24oz. :-) vitamins plus that caffine boost you need ;-)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,501 Member
    You know you don't -have- to eat breakfast? Or if you do, it should be food. I tried doing protein drinks in the morning, and it did nothing to keep me full, in fact 2 hrs later I am starving, whereas if I just drink some coffee, I often don't feel the need to eat until 11 or later (and I get up at 6)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I would rather spend liquid calories on booze. :drinker:
  • bionicmom77
    bionicmom77 Posts: 1 Member
    I did the slim fast for a while worked great from me but they get expensive.... I read am article once that said a tbs of peanut butter every morning helps you feel feel longer so there is nothing wrong with just having a piece of toast and peanut butter for breakfast also fyi the slim fast shakes are about the same amount of calories as toast and peanut butter so its all personal preference
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    i use the chocolate/ strawberry flavours from superdrug.
    its the only way i can take protein in the am too.
  • BradfordBear801
    I like to do 2 scoops of whey protein, blueberries, egg whites, coconut oil, and oatmeal as a shake in the morning vs something like that. Id encourage you to give it a try, goodluck!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I would recommend protein powder as opposed to slim fast shakes. Also, instead of toast you could do something a little more filling like english muffin with peanut butter or some oatmeal.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Why slim fast? Thoze haz caloriez.. Try a sugar free monster 24oz. :-) vitamins plus that caffine boost you need ;-)

    I love this breakfast plan. I may try it tomorrow. Today my breakfast was a 5 hour energy shot (generic) plus creatine and water. I ate nothing all day but plan to have a 2,800 calorie supper soon.

    Tomorrow I will do the same thing but replace my 5 hour energy shot breakfast with a sugar free energy drink
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'd recommend buying one of those bullet blenders, and making a yogurt and fruit smoothie in the morning; better investment of your money. Mine takes less than 5 minutes to make every morning, and it keeps me full. I would avoid slim fast; they're calorie deficit shakes full of icky stuff, and not a good replacement for actual food.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I can't stomach those slim fast things. I've noticed a few things...i am not a breakfast eater, but when i don't eat breakfast before i go to work, I'm so ravenous by lunch that i make terrible choices (even if i packed my lunch, which i always do..i work at a fast food place and try my best not to eat the food). I usually eat something quick and portable and easy, like an egg that i hard boiled the night before and a banana, or a banana with a slice of toast. The longer I'm awake, the more i can stomach food, so u aspire i could just get up earlier....but i get up early enough as is. Planning the night before, for both breakfast and lunch, helps me not eat absolute crap by not getting too hungry. It took my a couple weeks to learn this, though. I pack my lunch the night before, so i can just pick it up and run out the door. If you feel like you do better with drinking breakfast, try a smoothie, just blend a banana, some plain yogurt, strawberries? Don't know if anything I've said will help you, but that's my two cents :D