Stretching back of legs

No matter what I do, I cannot sit on my rump, lean over and touch my toes. This has been like this for me even when I was a child. I was a very tiny child too. I just cannot get past that little bit of uncomfortable pain you get.

Is this normal? Does anyone else suffer from this?

I have attended yoga classes, pilates, stretch standing up, but when it comes to sitting on the floor and reaching forward to touch my toes, I simply cannot do this. It's the same feeling if I am standing up and I reach over to touch my toes.

Why does it look so effortless when others do it?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    those are more low back stretches than hamstring stretches.

    what about when you lay on your back and bring your leg up straight towards you? that's going to be more of a hammy stretch than the leaning/hanging ones
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Why does it look so effortless when others do it?

    Maybe you have shorter arms.. or longer legs. If it doesn't limit your lifestyle, i wouldn't worry about too much about it.
  • those are more low back stretches than hamstring stretches.

    what about when you lay on your back and bring your leg up straight towards you? that's going to be more of a hammy stretch than the leaning/hanging ones

    I too have very short hamstrings. I put it down to the years of wearing high heels.
    If I lay on my back and put one leg up in the air I can get it to between 45 and 60 degrees (from the floor, 90 deg being pointing to the ceiling). If I move both legs at the same time I can get them to 90 degrees but that's because I cheat and curl my pelvis and abs up.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I think it hast to do with a combo of genetics and flexibility. I can do that pretty easily and even with standing and touching the floor I can get down to my palms and then some, even at my age. But I see really fit people around me at the gym who are younger and can't do that so I don't think it's an accomplishment or anything.
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    I have the same problem! One stretch i was shown is to rest one leg on a surface in front of you (i started using a step, then the arm of the settee and now a kitchen work top in the utility room), rest on the back of your heel and keep your toes pointed up, knee straight, then bend over the leg. You can rest your hands on your thigh or grab as far down your leg as you can. Hold for a slow count of 30, stand up straight again (leaving your leg up) then bend back over your leg for another slow count of 30. You should be able to bend and reach further the second time. Then swap legs.
    I do this after every run or walk, when my legs are warm, and I am definitely noticing a difference :)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Sometimes, it's a matter of practice, really. It may be easier for the people you're observing because they've been working at it for a while. I usually get better about being able to reach my toes when I've been stretching regularly, but when I stop stretching for an extended period, I can't reach as far.
  • moni2five
    moni2five Posts: 1 Member
    Try these. Helped my sister and cousins. They were only able to reach their knees at first. It really helps if you have a partner. Basically someone to help push to gradually down a few centimeters each week. That's what they teach in dance classes: yoga, pilates, stretches, and plenty of patience to increase flexibility.

    Start with this version of yoga for a few weeks:

    Work up these stretches:

    Help it helps. Best.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    A good yoga teacher. Diligent practise. Patience.
  • Diligent practise

    :) this is the bit I lack.