Giving this another GO!

Hey All!

You can call me Krazy. This is my second go at using this program. i used it before on my cellphone for a few weeks but quickly fell out with it as, well i was lazy. I found the website, so this is my first time reading the community.

Went for a good hike today with some buddies and for the first time ever I was actually winded. I had to stop to catch my breath. usually i would push through it, get a second wind and keep on trucking. Today, I was ashamed... i know over the past 2 years I have gained about 50 lbs. That S**t needs to go.

With the help of my sister(who is on here and suggested it to me), a strict diet plan and some added exercise I plan on dropping as much weight as safely possible.

34 year old male
Size of a large fridge.
Hoping to look like mr clean.



  • rose400
    rose400 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Krazy
    You can do it! I'm back for another round and determined like KRAZY to do this too. Good luck!
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I understand that feeling of hiking with friends and being so out of shape compared to the rest!

    I'm 37, looking to lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me if you would like - we can motivate one another!
  • KrazyFluffy
    KrazyFluffy Posts: 12 Member
    "mountain" hiking is a killer on the cardio.. lol
    Was just shocked I was that bad.. im still pretty active.. just large..
    50 lbs Challenge accepted!!!
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Nor along for round two either! Feel free to add me any of you.
  • KrazyFluffy
    KrazyFluffy Posts: 12 Member
  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    I hate people being required to wait for me when we are walking! I am back for a secon try as well. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • samathome64
    samathome64 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome back, I am also in the same boat, only been back for 2 days.
    Your in the right place, I am sure you will do awesome.
    Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Lmanery
    Lmanery Posts: 1 Member
    Nice to know I am not alone when I say here we go again! this is my second go at myfitnesspal, but definitely NOT my second go around with the weight loss challenge! A life long battle I am determined to WIN!!!!! First time on the community board and I think it's a big step for me. Weight loss has always been something to be ashamed about so I have always kept my attempts, successes and failures to myself! So posting something here is a huge win for me today! I am 2 days on track and counting!
  • KrazyFluffy
    KrazyFluffy Posts: 12 Member
    Nice to know I am not alone when I say here we go again! this is my second go at myfitnesspal, but definitely NOT my second go around with the weight loss challenge! A life long battle I am determined to WIN!!!!! First time on the community board and I think it's a big step for me. Weight loss has always been something to be ashamed about so I have always kept my attempts, successes and failures to myself! So posting something here is a huge win for me today! I am 2 days on track and counting!

    Congrats on day 2 and your first post!!!
    My sister was a big help with me. After her stint with her education she started working out more and eating better and lost a crap load of weight.. she looks awesome! Now she is on round two after her baby.
    Add me and we can rip this challenge together!