New on here- 9 pounds down so far!

mhlew Posts: 377 Member
I am new to the social aspect of MFP although I've used other features of the app for quite some time but not nearly as consistent as I should have been. I am excited to share my successes, challenges, and set backs during my weight loss journey. This setting allows me to be honest and share with everyone who has similar goals as myself as a lot of my friends are for the most part in good shape so more people can relate on this online forum.

I started august 1st 5'8" 293.5 lbs and as of today (August 17th) I am 285 lbs. my short term goal is to get to 260 lbs, my long term goal is 200-215 and my ultimate goal is 180lbs. I am 31 years old have always been overweight however I have been been pretty athletic for a bigger guy. I work out regularly and the biggest change I have done is within my diet and eating healthier. This is truly something I need to stick to if I want to drop weight.

Would love to hear from anyone at my similar weight who is also on a weight loss journey or someone who has been my weight before. Thanks for reading! Feel free to add me, however please drop a line.


  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Congrats on your progress... Keep the momentum.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Excellent progress!
    The social aspect can lend considerable momentum. I've said it before, each little "like" adds up to significant support when it is difficult.