Feeling generous today? Help me come up with a lifting plan?

I need a plan that can be done in my apartment gym- dumbbells and machines, no big barbells or squat rack or any of that.

I have tried to get into a solid lifting plan in the past but I sort of amble around with no clear plan, get bored, and end up just doing some random exercises for 15 minutes then hop on the treadmill. I tell myself its better than nothing, but the fact of the matter remains I make no progress. I am NOT strong- I can't do a real pushup and I'm not overweight enough to justify that!

One catch: Because I have runner's knee, heavy squatting is virtually impossible. No matter what I do I favor my bad knee a ton. I can get some squats in with good form with light weights but I think to help the runner's knee I really need to strengthen my hips before I can really squat heavy.

Here is a little about me:

25, female
Not sure of BF% but I can tell you it is high based on looks and squish factor!

Lifting goals (besides strength): Make my naturally giant bum more shapely! Shed fat faster than I do just running, increase my energy, and help my mild anxiety disorder by feeling stronger and more confident through lifting. Decreasing cellulite and overall jiggle would be awesome as well.

In addition to strength training I will jog, stationary bike, occasionally elliptical, and do yoga.

Thanks for any help!
