MFP Gamers, what is your ultimate accomplishment?



  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    myself and 3 friends played the same D & D Forgotten Realms Campaign for 25 years....

    Now THAT'S impressive!

    Finished ToC heroic during the LK expansion in WoW.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    In 1999 I began playing a word game called "Acrophobia: The Fear of Acronyms". It was alot of fun. Anyway, I played that game for nearly a year. I met my husband in that game. We would play Acro and talk on ICQ for hours. Those were the days of dial-up.... haha. I guess that can be considered a great accomplishment.

    These days, I get excited if I manage not to get blown up by a creeper in Minecraft, or my Sim encounters an alien is the Sims 3.

    Seriously, it's the little things.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone on the east coast been to eStarland? That place is like walking back into my childhood. All the old cartridge game systems, button smasher arcade games, etc - all set up so you can actually play them. I :heart: that place. I lost an afternoon playing a fighting game with some beastman character and a female fighter with dual wield swords. Fun button masher.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    myself and 3 friends played the same D & D Forgotten Realms Campaign for 25 years....

    This is awesome. Our group started out in a campaign of our DM's imagination and moved to Castle Ravenloft a few months ago. I hope we can all stay together that long. Enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
  • SaintTawny
    SaintTawny Posts: 26 Member
    FFXI - our puller grabbed aggro on a chain of goblins coming out of the tunnels in Valkurm Dunes. I was the healer, a taru WHM (I know female healer, totally sterotypical...bite me). We should have died. There were higher levels standing around... some just to watch the blood bath for their own entertainment, some hoping to level up their revive spell. Nobody did anything. They just watched. Cold and heartless. Through team work and communication, the tank was able to keep the aggro while the damage dealers did their worst. Luckily, we were all stocked up on potions/food, we all had the right gear for our levels and we were all subbed in the correct jobs for our main. TP and MP macros dinged, skill chain announcements lit up the screen. Everyone did exactly as their characters were designed to do. Everyone used their two hour. We should have died...but we didn't. /cheer and /applause and /salute and /dance emotes broke out among the crowd that had gathered. It wasn't just a gg, it was epic.

    I miss that game so much :(

    Some of my best memories were soloing bombs as Beastmaster in Garlaige Citadel, and farming gold coins and rare drops in Castle Oztroja on Thief.
  • scarletpride16
    Killing Molag Bal and leveling up to veteran rank in Elder Scrolls Online :)
  • SaintTawny
    SaintTawny Posts: 26 Member
    I can't believe I forgot this one until just now - On FFXI the time my BCNM group got a total 4 Peacock Charm drops and 6 Scrolls of Utsusemi: Ni in a single night, and 2 of the Peacock Charms and 3 of the scrolls were aaallll mine based on the drop rules we had set.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    FFXI - our puller grabbed aggro on a chain of goblins coming out of the tunnels in Valkurm Dunes. I was the healer, a taru WHM (I know female healer, totally sterotypical...bite me). We should have died. There were higher levels standing around... some just to watch the blood bath for their own entertainment, some hoping to level up their revive spell. Nobody did anything. They just watched. Cold and heartless. Through team work and communication, the tank was able to keep the aggro while the damage dealers did their worst. Luckily, we were all stocked up on potions/food, we all had the right gear for our levels and we were all subbed in the correct jobs for our main. TP and MP macros dinged, skill chain announcements lit up the screen. Everyone did exactly as their characters were designed to do. Everyone used their two hour. We should have died...but we didn't. /cheer and /applause and /salute and /dance emotes broke out among the crowd that had gathered. It wasn't just a gg, it was epic.

    I miss that game so much :(

    Some of my best memories were soloing bombs as Beastmaster in Garlaige Citadel, and farming gold coins and rare drops in Castle Oztroja on Thief.

    It was an awesome game. One of the only I've played that really relied on team work and playing your character correctly. When it was good, it was so good. Made the mistake of trying to relive the magic recently. They've totally gimped the game, it's terrible. Just masses of people bludgeoning worms and skellies in a tunnel. So sad. :sad: