Need to lose weight quickly.



  • rowanstuff
    Quick way to drop some weight: cut the salt.

    I'm here because a doctor told me I had to get serious and lay off the salt. So I have gone about as low sodium as a person can and still eat food. (averaging less than 1000mg a day)

    Without the salt my body has shed a tremendous about of water weight. For the first two weeks I was dropping a pound a day, which is ridiculously too fast for a normal diet. Fortunately it looks like things have leveled out and I'll get to a more normal one pound a week.

    Also, I have been drinking over a gallon of water a day, and drastically reduced my caffeine intake. Drinking a lot of water is a must. It actually helps you lose more water.

    Oh, this has done wonders for my blood pressure, too.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    What is this eating clean or dirty I keep reading about? Eating on clean or dirty dishes? Food dropped to the floor, got dirty, and you eat it? LOL! This is about the first time I've ever heard these terms. Isn't eating just eating?