Starting over with running....

I've run Goofy races, Dopey Challenge, marathons, etc.. However after the Dopey in January I haven't run but maybe one mile. I found out I have a tumor near my optic nerve I have to have removed in October. It's caused serious issues with exhaustion and weight gain per hormones. I'm working hard to get my food intake back on track (after feeling lost and wanting to give up from being exhausted to the point I was lucky I could work). I want to get back to running and I know even with my past running experiences I'm basically a newbie! What program or schedule would be a good one to start? I can't over do it and some days I'm exhausted to the point I can barely get up. I don't want a serious training schedule since I will have the tumor removed Oct 16th and my "resting" begins (yuck something I suck at). I don't have any "races" set in the future to run till next fall so I can focus on healing from surgery. BUT I really miss running! I miss the "high" you feel when running for miles with no one around!

I have great days and I feel like myself and then the next day I'm so tired I honestly have stayed in bed for a day at a time. Even spent an evening in the ER with dr's thinking my kidneys were shutting down. Long story but I miss my dates with my ipod :)


  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    That's crappy news. Just keep trying and if its a crappy day, please accept it as rest is also important. In the long run, you will get back to where you were. Take care
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Sorry to hear about the medical troubles. That is a rough deal. Its important to listen to what your doctors say about exercise right now, and not overtax your body, which is dealing with a lot. That being said, if they clear you to start running, go slow, don't try to do too much. If you start to get too tired, back off and rest. You have more to deal with than the average newb runner