Mental Illness & Weight Loss?

Anyone else struggling with getting their s**t together and trying to lose some weight? I'm struggling to survive with Bipolar Disorder (among other MI's) and lose weight. It's not easy. but if there are any of you out there, who've already won the battle and lost the weight, speak up. I need the inspiration...

Or if you're on my path and want some company, add me, I won't turn ya down. :)


  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hi, I am also Bipolar (type II). It took me a long time to get my act together but I'm finally on the right meds, symptoms are under control (knock on wood).

    I exercise regularly by mostly running right now while I'm working on a home gym. I also work around and ride horses to keep me busy and active.

    It's been a long road as I was just diagnosed in 2009. The first meds they put me on had me so sedated that all I did was sit on the couch and eat and eat and eat. I was overweight before I was diagnosed but then my weight blossomed when I was diagnosed. The worst part for me is dealing with all the stupid social stigma and stereotypes people put on me.

    My suggestion is to find an active hobby, be patient about the meds and honest so your medical team can get them right, eat at a reasonable deficit, exercise because it really helps your mood, and develop a great support network. Oh, and tell the people who think you're crazy to look in the mirror.

    Feel free to add me, I'm very active on this site as well.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    How is your sleep schedule? If you get your sleep worked out you have won more than half the battle.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    First off ~HUGE HUGS~ to both of you ladies. I understand how hard it is living with a diagnosis of mental illness. I live with PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. Most people offline don't know about my second diagnosis, like was mentioned, because of the horrible stigma and misinfomation/education about the illness itself. People hear the term "Borderline" and they think I'm out of my mind crazy. I won't tell you that I'm the absolute picture of sanity, but I'm far from someone who needs to be locked up with the key thrown away. I do struggle. I take my medication, and fight with everything in me to stay on an even keel. I do my best not to act out irrationally, even though, often, my thoughts are of the worst case scenario, and I end up creating things in my head that would never even happen. I use my coping skills and try to stay positive, but I do get down.

    I have had success with weight loss, although, I actually lost the greater majority of my weight before I was diagnosed. I *know* I've lived with Borderline most likely the greater majority of my life, at least through my early teens to adult years, but didn't get a formal diagnosis until age 32. I've got a laundry list of crap that's wrong with me aside from Borderline (not just mentally- health wise) but I'm doing my best to make the most of my life, and make positive changes where I can.

    I enjoy making new friends, and will be glad to be a friend and support anyone who's struggling with mental illness and wanting to lose weight. You can do this! I'll be here to support you, every step of the way! :happy: