super confused! Please help/second opinion needed

I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating. Would it be damn near impossible for me to reach 160lb and still be healthy/decent-looking? My PT saysit's pretty unlikely, citing ungodly amounts of cardio I'd have to do.


  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Shoot for 190 to start and then see how you feel. Best of luck to you. Don't give up!
  • siddhartha0782
    siddhartha0782 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the comment
    I'm not planning on giving up either way, I've been to the gym everyday this summer, constanly eating under the deficit, lost 24lb since April. Put on crap load of muscle. Also, i once lost weight via starvation diet, got as low as 167lb and still had some chub.
    So i just don't get the #s.
    190lb is just a depressing final weight. I want my hubby to be able to pick me up, etc. I wanna be a girl that's light on my feet. Is being skinny fat and losing muscle mass the only path to a lower number?
  • sunnyrungrl
    sunnyrungrl Posts: 1 Member
    Take a look at yourself when you get to 190. I think you are going to look great. Based on your height, I don't know if you need to go too much lower.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating. Would it be damn near impossible for me to reach 160lb and still be healthy/decent-looking? My PT saysit's pretty unlikely, citing ungodly amounts of cardio I'd have to do.

    Find a new fitness trainer. 160lbs is possible and you shouldn't be doing ungodly amounts of cardio. I'd more suggest a balance between cardio and strength training, although of course it depends on your goals. But either way..find a new trainer.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Listen to your trainer.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating.

    He's doing it wrong. Very very wrong. That's more LBM than a 6'1 185 pound man at 15% body fat.

    Fire him and get somebody competent and with a bit of common sense.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I had a trainer act like my goal weight was crazy, even though I'd weighed significantly less in the past. it was a little weird, and I have a new coach now.

    However, take my comment with a grain of salt: I'm an ultra-runner, so I do an insane amount of cardio. :P
  • dogluvr_2014
    dogluvr_2014 Posts: 54 Member
    190 does sound high but let that be your initial goal. Once you get to that weight you can make new goals if needed. Don't stress yourself out over this. Just keep moving forward. God Bless!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    190 with 156 LMM is actually going to look very thin and well defined. A month ago I found I had 213 LMM with a total weight of 290 and my goal was 220 with 7%. He said unless I lost LMM I could not reach that so to aim for 235-240 and I would still look how I want.

    You can still reach your goal but it would require you cutting back on the weight training. Do this though once you reach that 190, see how you look then if not happy cut down the weights and increase the cardio. It is better to have that LMM while cutting weight because it aids in burning calories(more muscle = more calories used up doing minimal work).

    My question is did the trainer have a clear understanding of your goals(both weight and bf%)? Personally, it shouldnt be about the number you see on the scale but how you look and that you LIKE how you look. If when you hit 190 and you say damn i look good, then why put yourself thru hell? If you dont think you look good, think about if being 160 will make you happy or is it a body image thing? Many people lose weight get down to relatively skinny weight and still see the old person in the mirror. Just something to think about. Whatever you do it should be about becoming healthy and happy about the results.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    190 with 156 LMM is actually going to look very thin and well defined. A month ago I found I had 213 LMM with a total weight of 290 and my goal was 220 with 7%. He said unless I lost LMM I could not reach that so to aim for 235-240 and I would still look how I want.

    You can still reach your goal but it would require you cutting back on the weight training. Do this though once you reach that 190, see how you look then if not happy cut down the weights and increase the cardio. It is better to have that LMM while cutting weight because it aids in burning calories(more muscle = more calories used up doing minimal work).

    My question is did the trainer have a clear understanding of your goals(both weight and bf%)? Personally, it shouldnt be about the number you see on the scale but how you look and that you LIKE how you look. If when you hit 190 and you say damn i look good, then why put yourself thru hell? If you dont think you look good, think about if being 160 will make you happy or is it a body image thing? Many people lose weight get down to relatively skinny weight and still see the old person in the mirror. Just something to think about. Whatever you do it should be about becoming healthy and happy about the results.

    I disagree with this. I would up the strength training in order to minimize muscle mass loss. I do agree with another poster that said not to focus on the scale # because she could be 170 and look smaller. Either way, 160 is an attainable goal depending on her preferences and what her aesthetic goal is...again, though, let go of the scale # and focus on either body fat % or just the clothes/look you want.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    You might want to give this website a try:

    You're tall. 5'10". At 190 lbs.... you're gonna look good.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You're tall. 5'10". At 190 lbs.... you're gonna look good.

    She's going to look 30 pounds overweight.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating.

    He's doing it wrong. Very very wrong. That's more LBM than a 6'1 185 pound man at 15% body fat.

    Fire him and get somebody competent and with a bit of common sense.

    Yeah....unless shes a former IFBB pro I'd be skeptical about those numbers, lol.
  • siddhartha0782
    siddhartha0782 Posts: 13 Member
    Guys/gals! Thank you so much for your opinions/support. This is a big deal to me.
    Some contradictory info in the comments. Still not certain if I should up the cardio or strength for a smaller bod. I do water classes 6d/week, full circuit 3 times a week (17 machines) and cardio machines 2-3 times/week 30 min each.

    The big thing about this is I remember being 167lb in 2009 and still being super fat (

    starvation diet, no muscle). Then when the weight crept up to 190lb i remember feeling like an utter blob. I can't possibly be happy at 190lb.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks for the comment
    I'm not planning on giving up either way, I've been to the gym everyday this summer, constanly eating under the deficit, lost 24lb since April. Put on crap load of muscle. Also, i once lost weight via starvation diet, got as low as 167lb and still had some chub.
    So i just don't get the #s.
    190lb is just a depressing final weight. I want my hubby to be able to pick me up, etc. I wanna be a girl that's light on my feet. Is being skinny fat and losing muscle mass the only path to a lower number?

    Im sure first and foremost your husband wants you to be healthy. Your trainers no. is probably off, but either way, maintaining lean body mass is in your best interest. People who don't maintain lbm are more likely to put the original weight back on and more. Eat sensibly and get a consistent exercise routine (yes, you should strength train), and you'll move towards your goals.
  • siddhartha0782
    siddhartha0782 Posts: 13 Member
    Please explain to Me, the noob, whatcha mean?
  • siddhartha0782
    siddhartha0782 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating.

    He's doing it wrong. Very very wrong. That's more LBM than a 6'1 185 pound man at 15% body fat.

    Fire him and get somebody competent and with a bit of common sense.

    Yeah....unless shes a former IFBB pro I'd be skeptical about those numbers, lol.
    What i am saying is can you explain to me your skepticism about my numbers? Do you have a reliable formula i can u recrunchthe #s on my own for better accuracy.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm female, 5 feet 10. 231lb. Goal end weight range 145-160lb. Today my fitness trainer did my measurements for the first time and it turned out my Lean Body mass is already 156lb, and so he suggests that i should shoot for 190lb instead, which is honestly depressing and demotivating.

    He's doing it wrong. Very very wrong. That's more LBM than a 6'1 185 pound man at 15% body fat.

    Fire him and get somebody competent and with a bit of common sense.

    Yeah....unless shes a former IFBB pro I'd be skeptical about those numbers, lol.
    What i am saying is can you explain to me your skepticism about my numbers? Do you have a reliable formula i can u recrunchthe #s on my own for better accuracy.

    Basically they are saying that unless you are a professional body builder, your trainer is bad at math.

    We don't have enough information to estimate your LBM. If you want an estimate, you can post pics in this thread:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Did this trainer tell you that you must do insane amounts of cardio? as far as your weight goes, why not just keep going and see how you look/feel when you get to 190, then you can re evaluate then. ( I'm 5"8 tall, weigh 135 lbs and only have @109 lbs of lean body mass)
  • siddhartha0782
    siddhartha0782 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you. This is a huge relief.
    Definitely not a body builder. Mounds of jiggly fat
    Now I can go to sleep in peace.