
So confuse on what I have read. Any suggestion when to stretch? Some say before and others say after exercise.


  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Id say be careful about doing too much static stretching before you workout, but a little bit is fine - as is ballistic stretching.

    There are studies that warn about (static) overstretching, and I think since then there is some over-exaggeration about doing light stretching before a workout. That's my opinion, anyway..
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I do dynamic stretching or active movements to warm up (walking, body weight squats, high knees, butt kickers, torso twists, etc), and more static stretches to cool down.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    generally speaking dynamic stretching before and static stretching after.

    dynamic is to help get the muscles and joints (mainly joints i think) ready for movement. static is for flexibility.

    with that said, i did static back stretches between my deadlifts sets today because i was incredibly tight. it helped
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    Dynamic stretching (moving stretches, like arm circles and torso twists) are good before a workout. Stretches that are held in place should come after a workout.