PMS and Diet



  • Sprinkles77
    I think we all go through it at some point just some worse than others. AS I have gotten older my cycles have gotten better but there is still that 24-48 hour period where I hurt so bad just standing kills me. Thankfully once I started working out my period decreased and my cramping and pain levels decreased. I have found the only thing that works for me is popping Aleve like there is no tomorrow. And brownies once I can eat. however since I no longer allow myself brownies(I'd eat the whole bowl in one day..not kidding) Bryers dark chocoltate and raspberry bars hist the spot and way less calories.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Take some midol and at least try to walk or something. Exercise increases circulation and relieves pain and cramping symptoms. Believe me, it helps a lot. Reward yourself by laying down with a warm pack on your belly.