
I'm new to this online weight loss thing. Thought I would try something different. So far, I've noticed that keeping a journal of food intake and exercise really makes me more aware of what I'm doing. Hopefully this will give me the motivation that I need to continue. Just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully meet some wonderful people that I an relate to, encourage, and be encouraged by. Hope everyone meets their weight loss goals!! Good luck!


  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi lilmama, nice name. u,ve come 2 the rgt place. lots of luv & support, buzz me
  • djnelson1024
    Hey hon!!!!!
    This site is amazing I never thought I would lose weight and by tracking it and being more aware I have lost 15 pounds in 2 months this site really is amazing and the luv and support from here is awesome. The people are great you will lagh at the stuff you see and it really keeps you motivated welcome and good luck on your weight loss goals. Feel free to friend me if youd like stay positive believe in yourself and you can do it. SMILES
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome! This site truly is great! When people ask me about it, I always tell them that it's about knowledge and awareness. Being knowledgeable about the food you eat and aware of portion size and preparation. I think that knowledge and awareness about the food that goes in your mouth is an excellent incentive to eat better. I look forward to seeing you meet your weight loss goals as I'm certain that you've chosen the correct online weight loss site to facilitate your journey. :)
  • lilmama1223
    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I have to agree, I've only been a member of this site for a week and I'm so excited. Hope everyone stays encouraged and don't be a stranger!
  • snseabrook
    snseabrook Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I have also just signed up for this site yesterday. I know what its like to be in the healthcare profession and not feel as healthy as I should.
  • lilmama1223
    Let me tell you, if you stick with this site, it can become addicting!! I'm a facebook junkie and this is in close running with that. It's like anything I put in my mouth, I want to make sure I log on and record it. I've never really been this dedicated to keeping a food journal or documenting my exercise. I mentioned before that I'm not trying to get skinny or "fit in" just to be healthy. I figure that once I drop the weight and once I begin my career in nursing, I'll be able to encourage somebody else. That part of my life will be a testimony for somebody else. So... stay encouraged and take advantage of all the useful tools and friendly people on this site! :)