Started about a week ago! Just want to say ALOHA!!! :)

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to say hello. I am so excited to find this site and it has become my latest obsession! It has given me a starting a point which I did not have before I found this site... I really had no idea how to start this but knew that I really need to do it. So anyway its going great so far and hope the same for all of you!!

Happy Losing Everyone!

Me <3


  • molina76853
    Welcome to MFP. Yes, it to is my latest obsession and I love it because it keeps me focused, motivated and keeps me accountable. Best of blessings in your adventure.
  • rokikio
    Aloha to you as well. And a big welcome to MFP. I am sure you are going to love this site. It is easy to use and there are so many wonderful people using this site. :smile:
  • Godsflower1789
    aloha! :-)
  • JulieBoBoo
    Welcome :) Sent a friend request (no pressure) if you're looking for support :)
  • erikaneal
    Ahoha! Welcome to MFP! I'm addicted to this site and I'm lovin it!:tongue: Be encouraged, motivated and determined! Mahalo!:wink: