A little discouraged...



  • NoHurryInLife
    Fitness professional Shaun T answered a question about this topic last week:

    Q. "How do I handle people that suggest exercise is selfish and that it takes time away from family?"

    A. "Well, actually exercising is selfless! I've said before that "You are the nucleus of your existence!" A happier you equals a happier family. If someone feels that you're being selfish for exercising just remind them that you want to love longer and have positive energy for the family."

    I am not a mom, but part of my motivation on this journey is that one day I will be. I think taking care of yourself is important so you can take care of your child. Your child will grow up seeing you take care of yourself and that will resonate with him. I wish my parents did that when I was a kid. By the time I was 15 I was extremely overweight. And my dad had a stroke almost a decade ago because of stress and really, REALLY poor health habits. My family's life was severely affected in more ways than I can count.

    You know, when people have an unhealthy lifestyle, they often say it's their life and they're not hurting anyone. But that's not true, because if those unhealthy habits lead to extreme health issues, everyone close to them suffers. A lot.

    You are not being selfish. Please dont give up, even if your sister wont help you. Where there's a will, there's a way, and being a single mom who is coming out of an abusive relationship and still working hard to take care of yourself and your infant, I'd say you have some serious willpower :)
  • karenwf
    karenwf Posts: 2
    taking care of yourself is taking care of your child. if your not fit emotionally than your no good to your child...i have a degree in early childhood. Don't feel bad, make other arrangements and if your not able to count on your sibling..find someone else..she just sees you getting better and some people just don't know how to cope with that..its call jealousy..she is trying to sabotage you because she she your success! keep doing what your doing.....
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    It is your decision to wake your son or not and it isn't for us or your sister or anyone else to be the judge of that. You are his mother and it is up to you. You sound like an intelligent woman and a dedicated parent who makes decisions that you feel are best for your son and yourself. Period.

    However -- I don't really feel that your sister is "in the wrong" either. I think it was pretty rude of her to give you such short notice. But she's entitled to her opinion. If she really feels that your parenting decision is not a good one and she can't in good conscience participate in some of the caregiving associated with it...that's her call. It may put a damper on your relationship with her but I wouldn't say she has done anything wrong aside from giving you less notice than would have been appropriate.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Sounds like she doesn't want to wake up at 5:30am and found a convenient excuse not to do it.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    That is just...wrong of your sister. Seriously. A) If she didn't want to do it she could have said it immediately so you could have made other plans if possible. B) Insinuating that you're selfish because you are wanting to be healthy (which in turn makes you an even better role model for your son) is beyond rude. I don't get people like that.

    Then again, I live over 2 hours away from my closest relative and most of us don't have the strongest relationships with one another.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Nah, your sister just decided she didn't want to babysit and came up with the most convenient excuse she could to effectively put the blame back on your shoulders.

    Recognize it for what it is: it's manipulation.
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    I think you are in an extremely tough position and good on you for always trying to do your best.

    However - for the sake of family (and appreciating that you probably need and rely on the support they can provide you), don't feel too angry at your sister. She might have her own stuff going on which is masking why she has REALLY said this. Instead, try and reach her halfway (I know this is difficult). Perhaps say "OK - I hear what you are saying about getting my boy up very early and I understand your point, but this exercise is really important to me. How about I only do it X times a week instead - would you still be prepared to help me out please?"

    We can't always get our own way and to be fair - it isn't up to your sister to help you (however much everyone on here seems to think she should). Get her back on your side and you'll all be happier long term.

    In the meantime, just because I advocate a bit of compromise - it doesn't mean I don't sympathise with how unfairly you feel you have been treated. Sometimes, when you feel like you're battling the world - one more obstacle (however small) can seem incredibly unjust.

    Keep with it!
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you EVERYONE for your positive support and encouragement!! I am truly lucky to have such great family and friends on here!!
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Your not a bad mother.. Shame on your sister for making you even question that. Your health is important.
  • EverSinging
    EverSinging Posts: 30 Member
    This sounds like a complicated family dynamic.

    Making the time to workout when you work full time is hard enough. It's harder when you're a parent. It's even harder when you're a single parent (I'm in the that club too!). You could do the reverse like I did for years, and simply not do it (I joke that it only took me five years to lose my baby weight...because I didn't try until he was four). But then how are you serving your child? Are you teaching him bad habits for life? Eat, don't exercise, don't ever take care of yourself? That's not a lesson to teach. So no, we have to find a balance. You can't magically "find" time to workout, because we all have the save amount of time in the day. So, in order to exercise, we have to give up something else, whether it's a little sleep, or a little time with family or friends, whatever. Something else goes. That's just life. But you are definitely not doing your child a disservice by prioritizing health. That is a lesson he will learn and see from a very young age, and that is not a bad thing!

    Maybe you can adjust your workouts and what you do. It sounds like you need to find someone else to help with childcare, or perhaps, find a gym with childcare available there. You can't make your sister help. If she doesn't want to, then she doesn't. I tend to do my fitness free, so I incorporate my little guy in it. Running stroller (which I hate...) when he was younger. Then as he got older, he biked while I jogged. You just have to find a balance that works for you.