Food in the office

It's only day 3 for mr tracking everything that I eat but have already noticed a big difference.

Today in my office there were loads of cookies, sweets, choc bits ect.

This normally happens every other week or so and its shocking how many are still left after a day, normally the majority of them are gone.

I know it's down to me as on treat days I was always the first peron to offer to make drinks and nip to the kitchen to stuff my face but I'm proud to say today I only took 2 cookies and I'm bringing them home for my Husband as they're his favourite type.

I dread to think how many calories I would have eaten before!


  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member

    i like to indulge, but only from time to time.

    I think it is natural for me to want to do that.
  • MsSashaFire
    That is a great NSV..Your willpower has gotten stronger!