help! heart rate monitor confusion!

Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, so I'm told I need a HRM to accurately calculate calories burned. I can only afford the watch type at Walmart. I was going to get the $27. one, buy spent the extra $11.00 and got the pro form Tx-200, witch includes a Pedometer. Got it programmed, love the pedometer part, seems accurate and displays calories burned, but I still don't know how to calculate calories burned while doing workout DVDs. I have to stop and take my heart rate by pressing on the button (ok, I can deal with that) it shows me the percentage of my target heartrate, and has some other nifty features, but I still don't know how many calories I burn at that heartrate for x amount of minutes. Any tips or suggestions? Am I just being a dork? Think it might go back to the store (first time in forever I've spent money on myself, I'll trade it in for presents for the Grandkids if it doesn't help me). I can't afford a fancier model. I really do like the Pedometer, but if that's all I use it for... seems like a waste of money.


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    For calorie counting during exercise, you need one with a chest strap. They don't sell ANY good ones at walmart. If it's just a watch, it is useless for calories, as it will be a very very rough estimate and you may as well go by what's in the MFP database as they're guess is a s good as that watch's.

    If you decide to spring for a good one, look on Amazon for a Polar. I have had the F4 and the FT7 and love them both.
    And remember, even THAT is an estimate. Granted, a much better one than the watch, but still an estimate.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    i have the same one, and the same problems. Im considering getting a new one as well eventually but can't afford right now. if i were you, every 5 minutes of your workout, pause & take your heart rate again. It'll be fairly accurate.
  • i have the same one, and the same problems. Im considering getting a new one as well eventually but can't afford right now. if i were you, every 5 minutes of your workout, pause & take your heart rate again. It'll be fairly accurate.
    Ok, I can do that, then is there a formula to calculating calories burned?
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I bought one at walmart too and it was horrible so I returned it. I agree with the comment about a chest strap for calories burned. If I were you I would save up some money until you can afford the one with the chest strap because the watches alone arent accurate enough for what you are looking for. I am looking into the polar brand HRMs, as far as I have seen they all come with the watch and chest strap. Good luck!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    You can figure out the conversion, but it still won't be totally accurate because it's taking intermittent heart rate readings. I would highly recommend saving up for a couple months and getting a good one with a chest strap rather than getting a mediocre one now cheap. Probably in the $50-110 range depending on the make and model. But, it's very worth it. I have used mine almost every day for the last two + years and LOVE it (Polar F6 I found for $75.)

    You can find several models on ebay for around the same price range or cheaper. But be sure to research the models - some do not have coded straps and so the watches might pick up other HRMs or the machines etc and not the strap. The non coded straps are good for if you work out alone at home, but bad for the gym!
  • Thanks for the info. I'll probably just take it back, unfortunately there's no way I could spend more.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    I got this one about a week ago and so far I love it. It's about the same price as the one you got and has a chest strap. It was a little confusing to program, but once I figured it out I was ready to go. All you got to do to track your calories is start the stop watch. (Took a while for me to figure that out) lol, Im like you, couldnt afford a more expensive one. But I looked at all the reviews and this one had the best of the cheaper models. If you exchange yours for this one, feel free to send me a message if you need help with it.
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