Can't find my inspiration to work out!!



  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    I've been there too; I think the majority of us regular folks all hit slumps every now and then when it comes to going to the gym. I went from going 5 days a week to once a week for a few months. Now, I'm back to going 5 days a week. I didn't kick myself for it because I stayed active over the course of weekends by doing some walking and kayaking. My inspiration is that I'm not getting any younger and I know how I feel after working out.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Motivation comes from within. What you need to do is find something that will motivate you to work out and find a way to remind yourself of that reason whenever you're not feeling up to it. There's nothing wrong with skipping a day here and there. You can also lose weight without working out; it's not absolutely necessary. However, it will make reaching your goal that much easier and improving your activity level is a very good thing to do for yourself.

    I know as well as anyone the desire to stay in my nice comfortable bed and get another half hour or hour of sleep. Then I realize that if I don't run in the morning when it's still relatively cool I'd have to wait until after work when it's 100° outside and that usually gets me going. When that's not motivation enough I remember the reasons why I'm running in the first place. That usually does the trick but some days, I don't run. It won't kill me to miss a day here and there.

    I'd suggest making a list of reasons you decided to work out in the first place. What motivated you to do it when you first started? Was it to fit into a particular piece of clothing? Because you want to be around longer for your family? Take that list and post it where you'll see it when you're debating that workout. Another option is to try to find a workout buddy. I lift weights twice a week and beyond my own desire to get stronger I go each day because I don't want to let my partner down or have him see me "wimp out"
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    So here's what I do. I go to the gym but give myself permission to work out for only 10 minutes. If after 10 minutes, I'm just not feeling it I leave myself the option to give it up. I mean, 10 minutes is better than nothing right?

    So far, I've never quit after 10 minutes. Once I start, I'm okay. It's the starting that's hard.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    Sometimes, inspiration/motivation NEVER comes. That's when Dedication has to take over.

  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Are you doing something that you enjoy? Something that challenges you? Something you want to do better/faster next time?

    I get up at 4:30 to go to the gym and am happy to do it because I like lifting weights. I also know that I would never set foot in my gym after work (it is nightmarishly crowded and I have to drive around for 10 minutes just to park), so I can't sleep in and do it later. But the biggest motivating factor for me: if I miss a session or 2 I will probably have to take a step back in terms of my strength gains, so I don't like to do it. I have a standing appointment with myself MWF every week, no excuses.

    You have to find your own motivation. If none of that helps, if exercising just really isn't your thing - you can still lose weight without it.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    You have to decide how important it is to you & treat it accordingy.

    In my case? I decided I didnt want to die prematurely. I have too much left to give to the people I love.

    What I was doing didnt work for 44 years. I have photos to prove it :)

    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

    Sometimes, what we cannot do, we must.....

    Good luck to you

  • DanielGray73
    DanielGray73 Posts: 17 Member
    I'll tell you what helps me best. Everything is a game. I count steps and I'm included into weekly challenges but I'm not content to just beat my opponents oh no! that won't do. If they do 5k steps I'm doing 10k!

    If you ride a bike, get on Strava. See someone has set a time that you reckon you should own? Take it!

    My feeling is if you want to help yourself then why not make damn sure you are letting everyone else know that you are going to go that extra mile?
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Exercise - Walking, Running, Stretching, Core, Pushups, Weights, Cycling has become my refuge and escape now because I do it regularly.

    I workout so that I can FIND my inspiration now :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Help!! Please share. What do you do to keep motivated and exercise everyday? I was ok 2 months ago and now it seems a bit hard to start.


    Inspiration and motivation are finite resources. What you need is discipline. Pick a time, put it on your calendar and go. No excuses.

    More details here.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    get some fitness goals and work towards them. that's really the only thing i can think of. i love exercising, always have and one of the main things i like is getting a goal, smashing it and then creating a new goal.

    sample goals can be stuff like doing x number of pushups in y minutes, 10 pullups, 3500 m row in 15 mins, deadlifting more than you weigh, etc.

    i basically consider the gym as my play time, sort of like recess when i was a kid and could run around doing monkey bars, playing kick ball, etc
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    Here's a few things I've learned here:

    Always remember why/where you started.

    Choose a reward for reaching a goal and post a picture of that reward where you will see it at least once a day to help motivate you.

    Ask yourself do you ever beat yourself up for completing a workout?

    If you can’t muster the motivation there is always dedication.

    Surround yourself with lots of supportive people.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Sometimes, inspiration/motivation NEVER comes. That's when Dedication has to take over.

    WOW!! Love it!! thank you!:smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's not about inspiration or motivation. It's about determination. You're not always going to feel like doing it.

    Having said that, try switching things up. I finally got bored after I logged about 574253543543 hours on the elliptical machine and started lifting, with less focus on cardio. I like it and it keeps me interested.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Can't find my inspiration to work out!!

    I often feel the same way about doing the dishes, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, pulling the weeds, etc...but they need doing so I do them.

    1 - You don't have to workout EVERY should have scheduled rest days

    2 - Do exercise that you like would never catch me jumping around my living room like some kind of jack *kitten* to a DVD or droning away some random piece of cardio will find me outside on my bike that I ride about 60 miles per will find me on the hiking and nature trails around will find me in the weight room usually 3x per week. These are things I enjoy...they aren't a chore. Yes, there are times where I'm really not feeling it, but that's when habit kicks in...and sometimes I sit back an evaluate if I really do need a bit more rest which is sometimes the case if I've really been going strong.

    3 - Healthy habits take time to build...but you have to build them. Motivation and inspiration come and go...habits die hard.

    4 - Don't overdo many people think they need to be doing endless hours of exercise or going until they puke to get a good workout. This is only going to lead to burn out and really not looking forward to your workouts. My rides generally take me about 60 minutes and my lifting sessions generally take me 45 - 60 minutes...that is all...unless I'm actually training for an event I really don't go beyond that 60 minute mark very often and I always take my rest days.

    5 - Establish actual fitness goals, not just calorie burning goals or whatever...when you have actual fitness goals that you are trying to achieve, this helps to keep your motivation up...especially when you start smashing them and setting the bar higher. Just exercising to burn calories gets pretty old pretty quick. Start thinking of your calorie burn as simply a nice bi-product of rocking your fitness rather than thinking of calorie burn as the purpose behind your fitness. Fitness has so many other benefits that go way beyond burning a few calories.

    My problem was that I over did it. I blew myself up. You are so right. thank you!!! I need to calm down and take my time.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Do you have to be inspired to go to work? Or pick up your kids? Take your dog to the vet? Get the oil in your car changed?

    Usually not.

    Stop waiting to be inspired and just get it done.


    The common denominator among all of your examples are twofold:

    1.) They involve other people/things, and
    2.) If you don't do them there are dire consequences.


    1.) Start considering yourself just as important as other people and things / Stop devaluing yourself as "not that important"
    2.) Realize/remember that if you don't exercise there are dire consequences.

    Practice elevating the act of taking care of yourself to these levels in your *mind*. Then your actions will follow.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    Sometimes it's just not possible to be inspired, if nothing is inspiring you, DO IT ANYWAY. Once you see the pounds shredding and the muscle gaining, you'll be inspired.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Your answers are both honest and inspiring. I have read all and want to than you with all my heart:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: . I need to think about my health first. I know once I start I will feel amazing! Sometimes I need a little push. I got more than that here today! Keep up the good work and keep inspiring us!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Sometimes it's just not possible to be inspired, if nothing is inspiring you, DO IT ANYWAY. Once you see the pounds shredding and the muscle gaining, you'll be inspired.

    Yes!! I will. :happy:
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Do you have to be inspired to go to work? Or pick up your kids? Take your dog to the vet? Get the oil in your car changed?

    Usually not.

    Stop waiting to be inspired and just get it done.


    The common denominator among all of your examples are twofold:

    1.) They involve other people/things, and
    2.) If you don't do them there are dire consequences.


    1.) Start considering yourself just as important as other people and things / Stop devaluing yourself as "not that important"
    2.) Realize/remember that if you don't exercise there are dire consequences.

    Practice elevating the act of taking care of yourself to these levels in your *mind*. Then your actions will follow.

    AMEN!! thank you!! I should be my own inspiration! :heart:
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    I have discovered during my weight loss journey that motivation is HIGHLY overrated. I can talk myself out of anything I don't feel like doing at the moment, and use the excuse of just about anything. Yes, saying I'm "just not motivated", I'm just not "feeling it", is just one big old fat excuse to get away with avoiding a moment of "pain". And we overeaters really, REALLY don't like pain. We avoid it like the plague. So we come up with complex, sophisticated excuses to avoid it like, "I don't waaaannnnaaaaa!" (<==read in whiny baby voice)....

    Just realizing I'm playing this game of drama with myself is a powerful tool to "snap out it". But even then, I sometimes simply can't seem to just "make myself" get out there and do it.

    Here's how I overcame that:

    The moment I start feeling the pressure coming on of not wanting to work out, I "confess it" out loud here on MFP, on my wall. I say something like, "I really really really really really really don't want to run tonight. But I really really really really really really NEED to run tonight. I really really really really really really need you guys to tell me to run tonight."

    And guess what? People start coming out of the woodwork!

    "Go Bee!"
    "You can do it!"
    "Think about how good you'll feel!"
    "Never say die!"
    "Write us back when you get back and tell us how good you feel!"

    Suddenly - I WANT to work out. I catch their excitement. I don't want to look like a baby in front of them and come back later and say, I didn't do it, you guys, sorry. :ohwell: They KNOW now that I need to go. It'll be a little humiliating to not do it, let's face it. I also don't want to take advantage of their good graces - they took the time to encourage me, the least I can do is follow their advice.

    And you know a cool side effect is? Some of those people who encouraged me felt the SAME WAY. But they saw that I was doing it, encouraged me, and caught their own encouragement. Or, other friends who didn't comment might have read everyone's support as well, and felt that "second-hand support", if you will.

    Its' just a good situation all around. Try it - you'll like it! :happy: