Thought I was doing well..

I need some motivation guys. I've been getting into the gym more often, not four days a week, but even two days a week is a good start for me. I've recently started doing the Paleo diet, and I like it so far. I'm only on day three, but that's better than day 0. I keep running into road blocks.
I keep hurting my knee. Makes working out pretty darn hard. I had to go to the doctor today for something else and I asked about my knee, and he told me what it sounded like and how to fix it. So at least there's that.
I strained literally every muscle in my chest and back, this wasn't from working out, it was from something else.
I had to get weighed at the doctors... and I GAINED weight. I haven't been working out enough to gain any muscle mass.. at least I don't think so.. I hit a weight I've never been to before and it feels terrible.
Words of wisdom? I'm feeling down and discouraged.


  • mrspater14
    I think you are doing amazing, a lot of people are expecting the same results and they havent even hit the gym! that would be me lol. i had a very physical job but after being promoted i now sit at a desk and wonder why im stalled.

    but i have heard that actually swimming is a wonderful work out and it might be better for you to go that route with a knee infury until you can get that strength up. dont be so hard on yourself. youre doing great!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I second the swimming.

    Also starting a new exercise programming or increasing the intensity of one will often cause several pounds of water weight gain, which your body uses to repair muscle. So just ignore the scale for a few weeks. Go by how you look and feel, photos, and measurements.
  • jennyylee
    jennyylee Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you guys, I appreciate the encouragement. I wish I could try to swim, the pool at my gym is kind of nasty :X I'll check to see if there are any other ones around me or something. I will try to ignore the scale, it's just hard to!
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If your knee is injured then its probably also a bit swolen. Maybe some water weight there. Also different scales can measure pretty differently. If the scale at your Dr isn't one you got your start weight from you may want to try to go back to the original one.

    Remember it about more than a number on a scale. The things you are doing are helping you be healthier. That's a good thing. You may need to adjust food and exercise to get the results you want, but the effort you've put in isn't wasted just because the scale isn't reading as you'd like. :-)
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    I agree about the difference in scales. My doctor usually takes about 10 pounds off the weight there and uses that as the recorded "home" weight. 10 POUNDS.

    I would make sure to take measurements as well. The scale doesn't know everything. (shhh, don't tell it I said that)

    Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Take another. Feel a zen moment.

    Three days of getting fit is not the measure of anything. You have started the journey of 1000 miles that will lead you to a healthy life. After so few steps, you have barely begun the journey. Relax.

    My current first rule of getting fit right now is "Log Everything." Log food, water, and exercise when they happen or if you anticipate they will happen. After you know what is happening, figure out what adjustments you need to make.

    Eat less.

    Move more.

    You got this. Keep moving forward and everything will be fine.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    No. You're not allowed to be sad. Especially not with that profile picture. It's too much, I can't handle it. Basset Hounds are so adorable, but they always look like you stole their only biscuit. :sad:

    Buck up - you're doing the right things. It's not about a number on the scale, it's about living your life in a better way, making better choices, being a better version of you. Over time, all the "right" decisions you've made will start to add up, will snowball into success, just be patient.

    Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Ever said to yourself, "Man, if I'd just started six months ago!!" or "If I'd just stayed on track then!". Well you CAN go back in time - today is back in time, and every decision you make now directly effects your future self. Will your future self be proud of the choices you're making now? 6 months, a year, down the road, will you be looking back at yourself saying "If I'd just started *then*....", or will you look back at yourself and say "Way to go, thanks for getting me here!". You decide that now. Today, every day, each and every small choice throughout the day, you are deciding whether you're going to be proud of yourself in the future or not. Choose to make your future self proud! You've got this, just keep truckin'!

    Hope your knee feels better soon. :flowerforyou: