Proving "haters" WRONG! :)

As with so many of us, this is my bajilionth time I've tried to lose weight.

However....this time is different! FOR REAL! I am not on a "diet"...I am changing my lifestyle...PERIOD! I started the get healthy life on June 5th when I quit smoking. Amazingly enough, it was much easier to quit this time that any other time before. Sooooo I thought, if I can do that, I can do ANYTHING!
So here I am...... Eating Clean, Lifting and Cardio....<<< my new life :) I really really really need positive motivation! I also really really really love to give positive motivation! :)
60 lbs to lose and I am taking it One Day at a Time! Weighing myself once a week, constantly learning & reading. Knowledge is Power. Now if I can just do that part without going cross-eyed...Macro..what? LOL Someday I will understand all of it! LOL

Have a fabulous day everyone!!! :)