Slow and Steady Newbie

Just a newbie popping in to say hello. I'm 5'0", 165 lbs and I've got 50 lbs to lose. I haven't seen the 110's since high school. It's taken me 12 years including a marriage and 2 kids to put on this weight, but it's slowly crept up on me and now I can't ignore it. I plan on only losing a pound a week, so I imagine it'll take a better part of a year.

I don't gain very quickly but I also lose slowly. I've had success in the past dropping 10-15 lbs as needed (over a few months) with just adding in a bit of exercise and monitoring my portions, but I've never tried to lose so much over such a length of time before. Kinda intimidating.

Like I said, portion control is all I really need. I've never been one to pig out on junk or binge or anything that extreme. Actually, I have always eaten pretty well, I just eat too much. An extra helping of this or that here and there add up. I joined mfp because I wanted something better than a pen and paper to log everything. That bar code reader on the app makes life so much easier. Not only that, but if I am going to be at this for a while, it might be nice to have someplace to go for motivation or inspiration.

For exercise, I'm doing the Beginner Bodyweight Exercises from and just going to monitor my portions. I also think I'll try the c25k thing or the zombie run app eventually for some cardio. I've never been a runner, but I've always been in awe of people who are. I love zumba, but it's difficult for me to make it when the classes are offered.

Well, that's my plan. Wish me luck!