Fenix 2

Is anyone else using this device?

I was fortunate enough to get one as a 40th present - something like it has been on my wish list for a while, having previously used my phone and apps like run / cycle keeper to keep track and update myfitnesspal.

I have linked my device to MFP through Garmin connect - but it doesn't seem to upload my runs - hugely disappointing!

Can any users point me in the right direction?


  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    No but I've researched it this week (my 610 is playing up and probably going to snuff it soon - so I need a new watch). Anyway it looks the mutts nuts .. on a par with the Suunto Ambit3 but cheaper... So I can't help at the moment - sorry

    P.S as I say, I have a Garmin FR610 and it uploads to Garmin Connect (Express) O.K and that uploads to MFP no worries, so, I'd guess that it's not a problem with your Fenix - but your software configuration....

    On the Garmin Express window, I had a button that says "CONNECT TO MY FITNESS PAL".. which I clicked and then when I sync my watch to Garmin, it adds exercise to MFP too

  • hardyh
    hardyh Posts: 13 Member
    Bingo, got it! Happy face is on :)

    For anyone else looking:

    Settings -> Diary Settings -> Tick "Enable Negative Adjustments" under "Calorie Adjustments".

    Seems to do the trick - fwiw the entry it added was a quick drive to test it - I don't run that fast ;)


    Like I said, this is my first device of this type, having previously relied on simple Polar & Beurer HRMs coupled with smartphone apps.. So far I LOVE IT! Not only is the functionality mind blowing (I've barely scratched the surface), but it also looks like a nice solid watch. Now it's talking to MFP I'm made up.