Kayla Itsines feed back

Has anyone used this program? If you did I would love to hear feedback good or bad



  • anna_primrose

    ey, I'm currently half way through week 4. Can't say much about visible results (I haven't lost any weight BUT I don't really have much to lose, just a few vanity pounds, and I'm not following the eating plan) but I am really enjoying it! At the end of this week I'm planning to take a progress photo (Kayla recommends photos rather than going by weight) and hopefully will see some difference. I think my abs are becoming more defined and my boyfriend has said I"m looking more toned overall, but it's so hard to see these little changes yourself.

    Before this I was doing Brazil Butt Lift which I enjoyed a lot but after I finished the first month I just had no motivation to continue it. With the Kayla Itsines program I'm actually excited as there's lots of variation, you do it yourself so no chance to get sick of the music/instructors that you have with DVDs, and every 4 weeks she ups the ante so it's constantly changing.

    For the non-weight loss aspect, I've found I've gained strength and energy and motivation I didn't realise I had. I'm really enjoying the all-around feel-good aspect of it, and psychologically I think there's a benefit to weaning myself off depending on the scales rather than enjoying other signs of progress.

    I also live between two homes (2 different countries) so it was important for me to have a program I could do at home and didn't need much equipment for so the program works for me in terms of convenience. And it gives me structure (which apparently I need!). So all in all I'm definitely a fan!

    Oh and her meal plan suggests oatmeal for breakfast - I've become a massive convert to the stuff, just love love love it, so I'm happy about that too...