What is your daily workout?

Looking for a regular daily work out. Right now, I run to the track, run a mile on the track, and run home...then I do 50 sit ups and 30 girly push ups. I am trying to lose 84 pounds by Jan 1st, so I need some fat melting, sweaty, killer work out advice. Feel free to add me!


  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    So you're trying to lose 20 pounds per month? I hope you mean January 1, 2016 or 2017.
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Did you see the So you want a nice stomach- great advice. I get in the pool for twenty minutes to wake up my bod. I try to do chi gung while I watch cartoons with my three year old. I try to at least stand, rather than sit. I walk my dog couple times a day, try to go a little farther each day. Then at night when I put my kids down. 90 minutes in the pool. Laps, Karate, running in place, just anything to get breathless. Put my oldest in her dorm room today, so I'm starting a Jazz fusion class Fri. I've been a few times, those ladies kick butt. After a week or two of that I'm gonna add in weight lifting at the Y. I went to see a trainer. It's basically the same as it's always been. Protect the joints, work hard. I actually kind of love it. I'm not the kind to be embarassed, years of therapy has taught me to take up space. I'm thinkintg of running, but I'm sort of afraid I think maybe my legs will snap. I'm built like a hobbit/dwarf. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I think your goals are pretty unrealistic...there's no way you're going to sustain that kind of loss. You might initially have some big losses, but that won't last long.

    To answer your question though, I cycle for about an hour 4-5 days out of the week for an average of 60 - 75 miles per week and I hit the weight room 3x weekly and do a full body lifting routine.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    I do this every second day:


    Except I'm majorly weak in the arm area and do my pushups against the kitchen counter for now. :grumble: :blushing:
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    If you have access to a gym, a great place to get workouts is bodybuilding.com. I'm doing a 12 week program from that site now and I'm really liking my progress so far. Other than that all the advice everyone else has posted is great plus don't forget proper nutrition is key! Good Luck!
  • zoomtech16
    zoomtech16 Posts: 100 Member
    You should try looking at fitness blender on youtube. They recommend a mix of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Low resistance cardio and strength training. You must do full body strength training it is amazing! I try to swim or walk or something everyday, and then do HIIT twice a week and Strength on M W and F. Hope this helps but I've only lost 15 pounds in like 3 months… soooo but I feel like I look good!
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Losing almost 100lbs from now to New Years is unrealistic.

    A more realistic goal is about half that. In the first month or so, the first 20lbs will fly off. Then you've got 3 months left, in which you should be able to lose 30-40lbs. But keep in mind that the holiday season is coming up so dieting becomes harder when everyone is celebrating. It's starts out as a simple "ok Thanksgiving is right around the corner, let me just ease up on my diet for a few days", then you never get back on track until the next year.

    Also there's no need for a "daily" workout. You can if you want to, sure, but it's not necessary to work out every single day to lose weight. Most beginners try and fail because they burn themselves out mentally and physically from feeling the need to exercise every single day. Besides, the most important step for losing weight is in the actual dieting. There's no such thing as a fat burning workout if you're dreamer bulking.
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
    Well, I am also doing medifast, and when I did it in the past I lost about 70 pounds in 5 months, So, I don't think its completely unrealistic...BUT...I am trying to set my goals pretty high to push myself. If someone can lose 5 or 6 pounds a week on the Biggest Loser, then I think I can do it too. I want to get as close to my goal as possible, even if I can just get to 50 pounds, that would be a great success.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Well, I am also doing medifast, and when I did it in the past I lost about 70 pounds in 5 months, So, I don't think its completely unrealistic...BUT...I am trying to set my goals pretty high to push myself. If someone can lose 5 or 6 pounds a week on the Biggest Loser, then I think I can do it too. I want to get as close to my goal as possible, even if I can just get to 50 pounds, that would be a great success.

    Erhurhm. That's TV. That's not real life. That's people completely removed from their daily lives, placed in the care of whipcracking trainers driving them to exercise until they throw up, and a whole big medical team paid to monitor their health and make sure they don't die or anything. Would they still manage it it without that? Highly doubtful, why else would they put themselves up there to be humiliated in front of millions? So, genuinely and honestly to yourself, how do you think it stacks up, doing that while also running your own life?

    I didn't say anything before, because I thought 'hey, she'll learn', but after that post, I can't just say nothing. If you're aiming to achieve TV show results at home on your own, you are absolutely setting yourself up for failure. Please don't do that to yourself. Readjust your goals to something achievable and you'll be happier all round, I promise. Sure, push yourself and be happy with what you achieve, but don't go jumping off any metaphorical cliffs trying to fly.
  • crescentgaia
    crescentgaia Posts: 71 Member
    This is my workout plan until the first Saturday in October: https://www.jennyhadfield.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/5K_Walk.gif?4d4092

    My Tuesday cross train is a bike and using the weight machines. My Friday cross train is either swimming (no weight training because I'm so wiped afterward) or elliptical with weight machines.
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
    I still think I can do it, I have as much time to work out as them.
  • brod405
    brod405 Posts: 44 Member
    Insanity. Bob harper inside out method dvds . They both are killer workouts.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Currently I am doing a hybrid of p90x3 and t25 gamma. On weekends I also include insanity workout
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    Losing that much by the new year WOULD be an incredible feat. Not saying it can't be done but it would be insanely difficult and you would have to be more than 1000% dedicated. I am a very high energy man and young(25) and if I lose 10-20lbs that is great but it's super hard to do. Diet diet diet is everything with a good balance of cardio will slim you down. I push my self hard to even get at least 5 lbs a month and I mean push. Ride my bike close to 80 miles a week walk at least 40 miles and do random weight training with core exercises. .. it's not easy.
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Like a couple of posters said get insanity, you'll cry and sweat buckets and probably call Shaun T a lot of names but it'll be worth it. :-)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Varies. I do 3 hours boxing classes a week, try and cycle twice per week, today I cycled for over 3 hours. I do the elliptical trainer on intervals, I run both inside and outside, I walk a lot, I do some light weight training and circuits. I like variety.
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
    Agreed, this is going to be a sweaty long road, but I am 100 percent determined, and I am going to get there. Every time I have lost weight before, using Medifast, I haven't worked out. This time, I am doing the program again, and working out, which I think will make a huge difference. I know its possible, and I am not going to give up. In the past, I got to about 188 and tried everything to get under that, and just couldn't. 160 is my goal, but even that is pretty small for my size, 6 feet tall. I would be happy to get to 188 again. I am not going to stop. I've been doing 150 jumping jacks, 3 minutes of jump rope, squats, running a mile, and 90 minutes on the stationary bike everyday. I really think this is possible, I really think I can do it. I have lost it in the past, and I know I can lose it again. I am going to stay focused, and not lose sight of my goal. I want the impossible to be possible.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    This is disgusting. You are going to lose so much muscle and you will just be a smaller fat person. I can't even offer you advice because I am so vehemently against what you are doing. You have mentioned you gained it all back; so if you plan to lose it this fast, plan to gain it back. *This is coming from someone who did this stupid stuff of gaining and re-losing large amounts of weight for 20 years before deciding to get real.*
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    ummm, I don't normally post, but I feel like I have to here.

    I think it's great that you've got such enthusiam and confidence that you can do it, but you said "every time I lost weight before using Medifast . . .", which means you've been down this weight lost road more than once, and you have not been able to sustain it.

    Maybe time to re-evaluate what you are doing for long term success? Sounds like you want a quick fix and not willing to change your lifestyle . . .
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Concerned you are setting yourself up for failure. Big goals and hyped-up enthusiasm = big let down. What if you approach this race/goal like the turtle instead of the rabbit? You'll win the race and you won't be wiped out. My goal is 1 lb per week, and that's with exercising 5 times a week. Varied indoor and outdoor cardio with hand weights and ab machine. Is it taking forever? Sure. Will it last forever? That's my plan. Good luck to you. Please take to heart what several have suggested and adjust your plan.