Depression and diet

I have depression and my biggest issue is fatigue. I actually had to leave my physically demanding job because I was too exhausted. Now I have to go back and still dealing with fatigue. I also have sleep apnea so it doesn't help.
What foods/diet is reccomended for increased energy? I'm thinking sugar isn't doing me any favors.


  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    Not a food suggestion here, but have you tried 5htp capsules? They help with serotonin production which I'm sure you know has a lot to do with your mood. Good mood can help maintain good energy also there are natural health supplements such as swiss brand energy capsules. I have used both and gotten very good results. For a food that does both I would suggest bananas.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Is your apnea being treated? How about the depression?

    Honestly, the best thing you can do for your energy is to eat better in general and lose weight.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I too would suggest trying 5-HTP. Do research on it first and start on a low dose before increasing... best taken before bed also.
    I am about to try it myself, as I suffer severe depression.

    Diet wise, the more natural, the better.
    I would limit processed sugar and caffeine for sure. My moods go crazy if I overdo the sugar.

    Here is one good site, which actually refers to 5-HTP and how to get it from natural sources too.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I have struggled with depression for over half my life, and honestly the only time my fatigue (or basically just not feeling motivated to do anything but sit on my butt all day) was really benefited consistently was when I went on medication. I've been off since the spring and I am planning on talking to my doctor soon to etiher go back on my old prescription or to start something different.

    Otherwise, drinking lots of water, healthy amount of carbs, eating enough food in general, sleeping appropriately, exercising, and minimal drinking will help.
  • josephsgoddess
    josephsgoddess Posts: 25 Member
    are you taking meds? have you had your iron and b12 levels checked? how about your thyroid? I take antidepressants, antianxiety pills, iron supplement, b12 shots, and thyroid medication to name a few. If i miss any one of these, or my body gets too used to the meds and they need changed, i get so tired i can barely function. The worst is the b12 deficiency. I would talk to a dr and get some blood work done.
    Hopefully this helps
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I have depression and my biggest issue is fatigue. I actually had to leave my physically demanding job because I was too exhausted. Now I have to go back and still dealing with fatigue. I also have sleep apnea so it doesn't help.
    What foods/diet is reccomended for increased energy? I'm thinking sugar isn't doing me any favors.
    Sugar doesn't do my depression any favors; I know that. Adequate protein and B-complex vitamins are both helpful for me, personally, as is coffee, as caffeine works to elevate and stabilize my mood. As to whether these tips will work for you, I cannot say, but I do wish you the best.
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I have depression, but the fatigue is mostly from my thyroid not being functional. That is helped with meds, but I still have my really off days where I can't do anything but try and focus on keeping my eyes open. Even worse, sometimes the depression just saps my motivation to stay awake right out of me.

    Keeping up on my proteins and fats help, and so do small meals throughout the day. I also love coffee and tea, so caffeine is no stranger to keep me going on my bad days. If I get in a fatigue "funk," I have also just come home from work and just go to bed. Yeah, like sleep for 13 or 14 hours straight. It seems to kind of "reset" everything and I can start to get back to normal.

    If nothing seems to help after a while, talk to your Dr. Fatigue is more serious than people think, and it is no way to live. :flowerforyou:
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I have depression and my biggest issue is fatigue. I actually had to leave my physically demanding job because I was too exhausted. Now I have to go back and still dealing with fatigue. I also have sleep apnea so it doesn't help.
    What foods/diet is reccomended for increased energy? I'm thinking sugar isn't doing me any favors.

    How long has it been since you had blood work done? Fatigue (and sleep apnea) can be a symptom of depression, but it can also be a symptom of other physiological things. I went through this last summer into fall thinking it was just my depression getting worse, and when I finally got blood work done it turns out I was severely anemic. Mine was so bad I needed transfusions but those plus an iron supplement got me going again.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    If you have already tried the sugar diet. Try the protein and fat diet.
    Exercise and sunshine (vit D) can help with fatigue.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    IMO, you should have a talk with your doctor. Many things could be going on. But until then, maybe try to eat right and get plenty of sunshine :-)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    For me I'm happiest on sunshine, exercise, fruits, vegetables. I often combine the exercise and sunshine by walking or running outside.

    That said, if life or the other humans are determined to stress me out, no amount of anything is going to help that much. I hate being stressed.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    I see my dr every month or so, he knows about the fatigue. I'm on a low dose of abilify. I've had blood work done a few times but not in the last 6 months I don't think. I think I'm gonna try going high fat and protein and low carb and see if it helps.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Algae oil/fish oil/fatty fish for EPA/DHA.

    I'd run any supplements by your doc before taking them, or at least do a google search for supplement + any med you take or condition you have. I was looking for something to help with mild depression and most supplements commonly used were contraindicated for me.
  • pez1234
    pez1234 Posts: 20 Member
    I too would suggest trying 5-HTP. Do research on it first and start on a low dose before increasing... best taken before bed also.
    I am about to try it myself, as I suffer severe depression.

    Diet wise, the more natural, the better.
    I would limit processed sugar and caffeine for sure. My moods go crazy if I overdo the sugar.

    Here is one good site, which actually refers to 5-HTP and how to get it from natural sources too.

    I tried 5HTP and found it useless, although tryptophan worked well, helps me sleep soundly although I feel it gives me much more vivid dreams which sometimes cause me to wake. Seek medical advice before taking either 5HTP or tryptophan if you're on any anti depressants . I don't know what your. Food intake is like but if your carbs and protein ratio is out of whack just picking up the protein can make a difference. Various amino acids are really important precursors of critical brain chemicals. B group vitamins especially B6 are also required. Coffee and other stimulants should be avoided as well as alcohol, or any psychoactive drug not prescribed by a doctor. Blood work is a good idea.