Restarting...150Lbs to lose

wbl512 Posts: 21 Member
Hello - I'm restarting this crazy endeavor again. My history:
I started with MFP in 2009
Got serious in 2010
Lost 82lbs in 13 months
Hit a huge plateau
Did not hit my goal
Deleted my account because I wanted to start fresh
Started fresh with my current user name
Lost interest
As of 3 days ago, gained all the weight back

I was very committed when I lost the 82lbs. I'm not sure what happened but I lost interest. I guess I just got tired of fighting the fight. Now, I'm at a point where it's hard to get around. The harder it is to get around, the more sedentary I get.

I am 52

I'm ready.

Anyone else in a similar position?

If so, friend me....I know it can be done!!


  • We have similar goals, Id love to work together on this!
  • cjcarter77
    cjcarter77 Posts: 48 Member
    add me up, will help all I can!
  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    I want to lose at least 100lbs, so I am with you! I sent a request to you. Anyone else can add me as well.
  • LETS GO!!! I will help you :)
  • rafaytina02
    rafaytina02 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm with you.. gotta get healty!
  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member
    I could have written that myself! Adding you now.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I also have quite a ways to go in my weight loss journey. Having support on here always makes it easier.
  • commkrista3
    commkrista3 Posts: 31 Member
    We are in the same boat! I, too, got serious in 2012, lost a lot of weight. My father became terminally ill, and I VERY CLEARLY remember a friend saying "Now is not the time to worry about your diet....look after your family." That became my license to eat! I too have gained it all back, plus some. I also re-started a couple of times. Have been back at it for 3 days. Have 100+ to lose. I would love to take this journey with you!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Sounds close to me, only last time I lost weight it wasn't nearly close to 82 pounds, but I did gain everything back, plus 25 pounds. I have over 150 to shed as well, feel free to add me if you want! Support of MFP friends has played a big part in my success this time around.
  • I have done the 'lose weight and gain it back' dance more times than I can count. Now I'm starting over again. This time I'm breaking it down into three phases. Feel free to add me.
  • wbl512
    wbl512 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the warm comments! MFP rocks! I love this place.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I started with 200 pounds to lose. 6 1/2 months later I need to lose 135. Anyone can add me!
  • I can relate to all of this. My story is very similar. I've been on the loss/gain roller coaster all of my life. Ready to get serious and do this the healthy way.... and with friends. We all need that support! I would love to be there for you as you start over.:smile:
  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    I can absolutely relate!! I am restarting myself as of this past Sunday. My tools are my Jawbone UP and MFP. I ordered the 21 Day Fix because I have really bad issues of portion control and I believe that will help. I am good with using the tools I have, I just have to continue to keep using them. I have 200 lbs to lose to be healthy, but honestly, I would be happy with 100 - 150 lbs gone.

    I will add you and anyone else, feel free to add me!
  • wbl512
    wbl512 Posts: 21 Member
    MFP has the greatest people!
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I have 20 more to go and I cant wait to get into maintenance.I hate eating at calorie deficient .i love food
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello :) I am 3 years into my journey but started with about 300lbs to lose. I would love to help support and motivate you :) I know sometimes counting calories can become old and staying motivated is hard. I find this site encourages me to log in and stay on track because I know my friends help hold me accountable. You can do this you took the first step of coming back :) IF you would like to add me feel free :)
  • dinglehopper14
    dinglehopper14 Posts: 48 Member
    I would love to use my recent pregnancy as an excuse but to be honest I gained all my weight three years ago. Now it's time pull myself together! It's a lifestyle change that I have needed for some time. Let's do this together!

    Feel free to add me. 8)
  • dinglehopper14
    dinglehopper14 Posts: 48 Member
    You are an incredible motivation! Congratulations on your successes so far. Keep it up!