Make up workouts

So, I am just getting into my routine of working out for 45 - 60 minutes for 6 days a week and have been doing well on this routine. However, yesterday I added weight lifting at the end of my workout and today I am sore. I usually work out even if I am sore but today am just drained and sore and want to go home to sleep early. I want to skip my workout today for a "rest day"
But I already missed Monday completely due to a migraine all day. If I miss today- should I or can I make it up on friday by doing like 2 hours? or does it really matter? or should I just do my usual of 45-60 minutes for the next three days?

Will it make a difference if I do the extra time to "make up" for the days I missed?

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but oh well,, I wanted to ask those of you who have been doing this for a long time!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I would do a similar workout to yesterday .. weights + cardio (weights 1st for safety & energy).

    If you ever miss more than a week of weights, keep the first session brief, so you don't feel wiped the next day.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    If you honestly feel very drained, you would benefit from some rest, and shouldn't feel guilty about giving yourself permission to take it.

    If you just really want to skip, but suspect you might benefit from some activity, you could try to push yourself to do a lighter workout than usual. I often find this to be beneficial -- it's easier to talk myself into doing, it's less taxing, and I feel better after, both because it gave me an energy boost and because I feel like I didn't skip.

    Make ups: Personally, and because this sounds like a newish routine, I would be cautious about trying to make up an entire missed workout by working out longer or harder on other days. If you overdo it then, you'll just have the same problem again, where you will feel sore and drained. You could, however, offset it a bit by adding something gentle, like walking or (my favourite) a flexibility-focused yoga routine specifically designed to help you ease any muscles that are sore or tight from working out. It burns more calories than doing nothing, and should be beneficial, instead of something that might burn you out more. There are tons of free options on YouTube.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Listen to your body. If it's telling you to rest then rest.

    I've seen way too many beginners get burned out either physically or mentally (or both) because they feel the need to exercise all the time, then they fall off the bandwagon. Don't let that be you.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Thank you all for your responses!! Great advice from all!

    I think I will take a rest day! Was thinkin about the yoga thing,, but think I will rest and let my muscles recouperate!

    Thank you all again!