Funny ("diet" related)

So I am serious about my logging. This means at Starbucks I use a little disposable plastic cup thing that holds precisely 2 measured tbsp of liquid and which I marked with sharpie at the 1tbsp level. Anyway, the lady after me ordered the same thing as me, Venti iced coffee. I measured in 3tbsp half and half. 60cals, creamy and delicious. Anyway, she free-handed in about 60cals worth of skim milk, gave me an absolutely filthy glare(my coffee was that gorgeous cafe au lait color, hers was a murky mid brownish) sniffed audibly and stormed off. This lady was about my age and perhaps a touch overweight. For some reason this amused me greatly. I am, perhaps, not the most nice person, lol. It was all I could do not to laugh.:laugh:
