Hello Everyone! My first day here!

I just want to say hi to everyone here. My name is Mrs. Garrett and the biggest I have ever been was 245 pounds. I lost majority of my weigh and reached my goal of 165 pounds in April of 2010. My father passed away in August and with me taking his death pretty hard and being a full time mom and student. I reached for 1 cookie then 2 and then the whole bag. I jumped on the scale this morning and wanted to cry.. So Im back in the weight loss game again. This time I will do it a healthier way.. I need all the help and support I can get... So please HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!


  • mishmush21
    mishmush21 Posts: 18 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your father passing. When you lose a loved one it affects our lives in so many ways. Of course I will help you! My name is Michelle and I just starting getting serious about loosing weight in the last week. I just broke it off with my 6 year boyfriend last Monday and realized I am so unhappy with how I feel! I have givin up soda, and boy has it been hard! But with any thing worth getting it takes time and effort! I hope you do well! I wish you all the best and if you ever need a shoulder let me know! You can friend request me if you want to!
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    I believe your Dad is in a better place - God rest his soul.

    I wish you a long and healthy life - WELCOME!

  • faithisfabulous
    Thanx Mish...........Yea the weight just creeped up on me without me realizing it. I will definitely add you because I need all the support I can get...and I want to be able to help someone else. Sorry about the break up too....Why is it that when lose someone in our lives we regain the grief around our waist? SMH
  • mishmush21
    mishmush21 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! He was the reason I gained the weight! After all that time I just got comfortable with him and didnt really care how I looked. And now? I dont even want to look in the mirror. I just got to thinking that if I didnt find myself attractive then who else would? Hince the eating better. I am gonna get me a man! Ha ha! J/K
  • faithisfabulous
    Thanx Don... I believe so too!
  • Fitzpoppa
    Welcome to the MFP family. This is a awesome place to be. Sorry to hear about your loss and he will always live on in your heart and in your memories. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can take this journey together.